





1 Lying on the grass is a notebook_whose cover is black(他的封面是黑色的).(cover)

2 The reason _why I am writing to you_(我在给你写信) is to tell you about a parry on Satuiday.(write)

3 It is only a ten minutes' ride from the town to cottage in _which we will hold a party_(举行舞会)tomorrow.(hold)

4 They he come to an important state_at which they he to make a decision_(她们必须做出决定).(decision)

5 Generally speaking, the media can often help solve problems and draw attention to the cases_where helps are needed_(需要帮助).(need)

6 The tent_they put up_(他们搭起的) yesterday has been blown away by the strong wind.(put)

7 With the development of agriculture, the people _in whose village i he taught_(我在他们村交过书的)before he lived a hy lift.(teach)

8 The days_when she helped me__(她帮助我) were the hiest moments in my lift.(help)

9 An earthquake destroyed his house_where he had been living__(在里面他住了) for twenty years.(live)

10 The book _from which we can find out _(从中我们可以找到) answers belongs to Miss Wang.(find)


1 The party ( will begin at 3:30 this afternoon.)下午三点半开始

2 Her room is (on the second floor. )在二楼

3 When was he born? He was born(on March 28,. )一九八四年三月二十八号

4 He will not go to see the film( becasue he has seen it twice.)因为他已看过两次了

5 They went out(after they had closed their windows. )在他们关上窗户以后

6 I did not go to bed ( until I had finished my homework.)直到我做完作业

7 The train had left ( by the time we arrived at the train station.)当我们到达车站时

8 Your bike(was fixed by my brother yesterday afternoon. )是我弟弟昨天下午修的

9 That house (was repaired last year. )去年修的


1 我希望下次了解更多的信息。

I hope knowing about more information next time.

2 那位男青年爱上了一个美丽的姑娘。

That young man falls in love with a beautiful girl.

3 去年他们度过了一个令人兴奋的暑。

Last year they spent a exciting summer vacation.

4 这个故事开始于1898年清朝期间。

This story stared in 1989 under the Qing Dynasty.

5 你吃得越多,就会越胖。

The more you eat, the fatter you'll get.

6 我们正在为期中考试作准备。

We are getting ready for the mid-term exam.

7 问一个成年人多大了是不礼貌的。

It isn't polite to ask to adult "Howold are you?"



1 I he been abroad several times.

2 where do you decide to go for your vacation?

3 The cook has tried more than 30 dishes every day

4 Did he invite you to take part in the competition?

5 He all the books been sold out?






4.dived。我们刚刚跳进水里以求凉快。dive into 跳进,just now,刚刚,过去时间,所以使用过去时态dived。

5.on camping。固定搭配,spend ....on doing sth.




conserve 是动词,句子中缺的是主语,所以要用分词形式conserving。





1.To be honest 2.What if 3.is afraid to 4.are looking forward to serving

5.in many differernt ways 6.are used for


1. We all agree with what he said during the conference/meeting.

2. The box is too hey. I almost couldn't move it.

3. Jack is four years older than Tom.

4. There are a lot of developing countries in Asian and Africa.

5. She said that she has nothing to do with this.