
2.英语题 改成感叹句

3.把下面句子改为感叹句 英语的



一、英语感叹句的改法:例如你要说“今天真是个好天气!”单句是:It's a beautiful day. 1.用what来改:What a beautiful day! 即what+名词

2.用How来改:How beautiful the day is! 即how+形容词

二、把句子合并为一句:我想你的意思应该是说怎么把两个单句改成定语从句吧。例如,He speaks to that girl. That girl is a teacher.

改成定语从句应该是:That girl whom/who he speaks to is a teacher.



1 What a good idea it is!

2 How fast he swins!

3 How clean the street is!

4 How beautifu the flowers are!

5 What a kind girl she is!

就是 WHAT+形容词+名词+it is(they are)


英语题 改成感叹句


1 What friendly boys they are!

How friendly these boys are!

2 How delicious the chicken is !

What delicious the chicken it is !




把下面句子改为感叹句 英语的

How fast the car is running!


1. How + adj.或adv.+主语+谓语!

2. What+adj.+主语+谓语!

该句符合1. How+adv.(副词)+主语+谓语!


1. What a tall building it is!

How tall the building is!

2.What a beautiful picture it is!

How beautiful the picture is!

3.What a kind man he is!

How kind the man is!

4. What a find day it is!

How find the day is!

5. What beautiful dresses they are!

How beautiful the dresses are!

6.What fine weather it is!

How fine the weather is!

7.What hot water it is!

How hot the water is!

8. What green grass it is!

How green the grass is!

1 He is tall.

How tall he is!

2 He is a tall boy!

What a tall boy he is!

3 He plays basketball very well.

How well he plays basketball!

4 They are wrrting quickly.

How quickly they are writing!

5 The weather is bad.

How bad the weather is!

6 It's a fine day!

What a fine day it is!