1.初一英语 写出下列句子的否定句、一般疑问句并做出其肯定回答和否定回答






1)Excuses me ,is there a bank near here ?

Yes ,there is ./No ,there isn't .

2)I hope you he a good time !

3)Go straight and then turn left .

4)Thanks very much .

you're welcome.

5) It's on the Bridge Street right .

6)The Bridge Street is a good palace to he fun .

7)Near the hotel,there is a small house ,and it has a interested garden .

8)In the First Avenue to turn left ,you can enjoy the city in the quiet and a small park .

9)Let me tell you the way to my house .

10)If you are hungry ,you can buy some food from supermarket .

11)My home is on your house the right .

12)This is the beginning of the garden trip .

13)I know you're arriving next Sunday .

14)take a taxi from airport .

15)Where is the park ?

it's on the Center Avenue .

16)Where is the library ?

it's between the restaurant and supermarket .

17)where is the pay phone ?

it's near the post office ,Access from the Fifth Avenue .And in front of the bank .


初一英语 写出下列句子的否定句、一般疑问句并做出其肯定回答和否定回答

I'm playing tennis.

I'm watching TV.

I'm doing my homework.

I'm reading the book.

They are talking about this cat.

She is playing with her pet cat.

She is looking for her key.

My mom is cooking dinner.

These bird are flying.

We are eating meal.


1、This isn't an umbrella.

Is this an umbrella?

Yes, it is.

No,it isn't.

2、My hair isn't blond.

Is your hair blond ?

Yes, it is.

No, it isnt'.

3、They aren't boys

Are they boys ?

Yes, they are.

No, they aren't.

4、We aren't good friends.

Are you good friends ?

Yes ,we are .

No, we aren't.

5、I don't feel hy.

Do you feel hy ?

Yes, I do.

No, I don't .

6、We don't he rice for lunch in the afternoon.

Do you he rice for lunch in the afternoon?

Yes, we do.

No, we don't.

7、You don't do your homework in the evening.

Do you do your homework in the evening ?/ Do we do we homework in the evening ?

Yes, we do . / Yes, you do.

No, we don't./ No, you don't .






5、A friend is a second self.

6、A friend in need is a friend indeed.


8、A hedge between keeps friendship green.




12、A friend is never known till a man has need.

13、Familiar paths and old friends are the best.

14、Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.

15、A true friend is known in the day of adversity.

16、A life without a friend is a life without a sun.



19、Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is.

20、Life without a friend is death without a witness.

21、A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.

22、A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.

23、Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.



26、A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.



29、One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible.


31、Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.书本如朋友,应当专而精。


Unit 12 Don’t eat in class. 短语 1. arrive / belate for class 上课迟到 2. run in the hallways 在走廊里跑 3. eatoutside 在外就餐 4. wear a uniform 穿制服 5. he to do 不得不 / 必须做。。。 6. what / who /where / nothing / someone else 其它什么/别的什么人/别的什么地方/没有别的什么东西/别的某人 7. on schoolnights 在有课的晚上 8. practice the guitar 练习吉它 9. too manyrules 太多的规矩 10. by ten o’clock 在10:00以前 11. Don’t listento music in the classroom. 不要在教室里听音乐。 12. Do your homework after school. 放学后做作业。 13. No talking. 不许讲话。 No food. 禁止带食物。 14. – Do you he to wear a uniform atschool? -- Yes, we do. --你们必须在学校穿制服吗? -- 是的,必须穿。 15. After school, we he to clean theclassroom. 放学后,我们必须打扫教室。 16. I never he any fun. 我从来没有任何快乐。 17. talk loudly 高声喧哗 语法:祈使句 祈使句表示请求、命令、叮嘱、劝告等,谓语动词用原形。例如: Come in, please.请进。 Do your homework at once.马上做你的作业。 Don’t be late for school again.上学别再迟到了。 Take care not to catch a cold.小心别感冒了。 Get out!滚! Look out! Mind your head!小心!当心头! 这种句子的否定式多用Do not(通常写为Don’t)引导,也可用Never引导。例如: Don’t sit on the desk.不要坐在桌子上。 Don’t watch TV too much.不要看太多的电视。 Never do that again.再不要这样做了。 祈使句的主语通常是不表示出来的。例如:Don’t worry. I’lllook after myself. 在句型转换中, 肯定祈使句:DO +do / be… 否定祈使句:Don’t do / be…


1Let me tell you a day of my holidays.

2I like taking a walk .这样也可以。

3Everyone has a good mood.(everyone的谓语要用第三人称单数的形式,所以你第四句的like 要变成likes)

4In summer ,we had a long long holidays .We can do lots of things.So everyone likes it very much.(既然你能说出我们每个人都喜欢它,就含义上带出了过去的时态了,因此我觉得这句用过去时较好些,你认为呢?)

1. I sat between Dad and Mom.

2. He lives on the third floor of my building.

3.The plane is flying over our school.

4.I can see the moon above the tree.

5. There is a garden in front of the building.

6. John sit in front of me.

7. The platform is in the front of the classroom. There are some chalks on the teacher's desk.

8.Next to the school is a restaurant.
