





Helen is showing her photos to her friends in the classroom.


I he never seen such an interesting movie before.


They he produced many new machines.


Tom has been determined to find a job in this city.







1. She nearly has no time to wait for you, she will only go to Canada by plane soon in several seconds.

2. In the morning in spring, Xiao Ji always paints his face brown, his son does not know who he is.

3. It is not an easy thing to go fishing on foot.

4. It is the boys forite festival in one year on November 11.

5. Knowledge is power, hing a meal is the strength.


1. 那令人伤感的回忆,总是在我的脑海中挥之不去 That sentimental memory always lingers in my mind and can never be expelled. 2.小时候,那经常有许多孩子流连的空地,如今也已经变成了高楼林立的地方 The vacant ground where many kids were wandering in the old days has now bee an area occupied by numerous high rise buildings. 3. 难道你就真的这么绝情么? Are you really that indifferent to my feelings and passions? 4.即使是我也不可能做得出来,就凭你? Even me cannot get it done

let alone you! 5.从小就在这儿长大的你一定对这里很熟识吧! Being grown up in this place

you must be very familiar with the area! 6.别看他这么一个白发斑斑的老头子,他可是很厉害的! Hey

don’t you ever think that he is such an old man with hair all white

he is still very remarkable! 7.无理取闹! Raising hell without any cause! 8.跟他说话简直是浪费我的时间! It’s just wasting time to talk with him! 9.不吃了,我饱了。 I am full and can’t eat anymore! 10.那个十年前买回来的老古董,我早就想把它扔了!只是那个食古不化的老头硬要把它留下。 I always want to throw away that old stuff which was bought ten years ago

only that unrepentant old man insists to keep it! 11.像你这样怎么可能会闯得出一番事业来呢? How can someone like you be able to acplish a career?

参考: Myself

1. that moved recollections

always motioned a person to not go in mine mind 2. childhood

that frequently had the open area which many children lingered

now also already turned the place 3. your really such 绝 sentiments which the tall building stood in great numbers? 4. even if is I not impossible to do es out

depends on you? 5. on certainly very much knows well since childhood in here coarsening you to here! 6. do not look at a his such white hair stained old man

but he very fierce! 7. creates a scene! 8. speaks with him simply wastes my time! 9. does not eat

I was full. 10. that ten years ago buy the antique

I already wanted to throw it! Only is old man who that swallows the ancient learning without digesting it insists it to stay behind. 11. looks like you like this how possibly to be able to rush oains an enterprise to e?

参考: worldlingo

1.那令人伤感的回忆,总是在我的脑海中挥之不去 2.小时候,那经常有许多孩子流连的空地,如今也已经变成了高楼林立的地方 3.难道你就真的这么绝情么? 4.即使是我也不可能做得出来,就凭你? 5.从小就在这儿长大的你一定对这里很熟识吧! 6.别看他这么一个白发斑斑的老头子,他可是很厉害的! 7.无理取闹! 8.跟他说话简直是浪费我的时间! 9.不吃了,我饱了。 10.那个十年前买回来的老古董,我早就想把它扔了!只是那个食古不化的老头硬要把它留下。 11.像你这样怎么可能会闯得出一番事业来呢? ============================================================ 英文: 1. The sad memories

always in my mind refuses to go away 2. When I was *** all

and that many children often hang around the open space

now has bee a place where high-rises 3. Are you really so Desperate么? 4. Even I can not do it

alone you? 5. From an early age who grew up here

you must be very familiar with it here! 6. Although he was spotted with a white-haired old man

he is very powerful! 7. Vexatious! 8. Talk to him is indeed a waste of my time! 9. No

I'm full. 10. That a decade ago bought the old

I want to throw it away long ago! Only that it食古不化try to lee the old man. 11. Like how you might e into a business e from?

1. that moved recollection

always motioned a person to not go in mine mind 2. childhood

that had the open area which frequently many children lingered

now also already turned the place 3. your really such 绝 sentiment which the tall building stood in great numbers? 4. even if is I is impossible to do es out

depends on you? 5. you who grows up in here certainly very much knows well since childhood to here! 6. do not look at his such white hair stained old man

but he is very fierce! 7. creates a scene! 8. speaks with him simply wastes my time! 9. does not eat

I was full. 10. that ten years ago buy the antique

I already wanted to throw it! Is only old man who that swallows the ancient learning without digesting it insists it to stay behind. 11. will look like you like this how possibly to rush oains an enterprise to

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1.那令人伤感的回忆,总是在我的脑海中挥之不去 The sad memory lingers on in my mind

impossible to be rid of. 2.小时候,那经常有许多孩子流连的空地,如今也已经变成了高楼林立的地方 The vacant land where kids often hung-out when we were young is now a site of numerous tall buildings. 3.难道你就真的这么绝情么? Could you really be so detached and indifferent? 4.即使是我也不可能做得出来,就凭你? Even I could not he done it

never mind you! 5.从小就在这儿长大的你一定对这里很熟识吧! You must know this place well for being raised in here. 6.别看他这么一个白发斑斑的老头子,他可是很厉 害的! Do not under-estimate such a grey-headed old man

he could be awesome. 7.无理取闹! Breaking hell loose without a reason. 8.跟他说话简直是浪费我的时间! It's a waste of time talking to him! 9.不吃了,我饱了。 I am full

can't take any more. 10.那个十年前买回来的老古董,我早就想把它扔了!只是那个食古不化的老头硬要把它留下。 I he always wanted to get rid of that piece of old antique bought 10 years ago

but that stubborn old fellow insists to keep it. 11.像你这样怎么可能会闯得出一番事业来呢? How can you build a successful career behing the way you are?

参考: Self

The sad memories had engred in my brain. The land for the children used to play around had bee high-rise buildings. Don’t you he any passion for that? I cannot even acplish it

how could you be able to? You must be very familiar with this place since you had been brought up here. Don’t think he is just an old man with white hair

he is really powerful. Being unreasonable. It’s a waste of time for speaking to him. No

I don’t eat anymore. I am full. I wanted to throw away the antique that I bought ten years ago for ages

but that stubborn old man insisted to keep it. How could you make out a successful career if you keep doing like that?

1. that moved recollections

always motioned a person to not go in mine mind 2. childhood

that frequently had the open area which many children lingered

now also already turned the place 3. your really such 绝 sentiments which the tall building stood in great numbers? 4. even if is I not impossible to do es out

depends on you? 5. on certainly very much knows well since childhood in here coarsening you to here! 6. do not look at a his such white hair stained old man

but he very fierce! 7. creates a scene! 8. speaks with him simply wastes my time! 9. does not eat

I was full. 10. that ten years ago buy the antique

I already wanted to throw it! Only is old man who that swallows the ancient learning without digesting it insists it to stay behind. 11. looks like you like this how possibly to be able to rush oains an enterprise to e? 2009-07-10 20:56:21 补充: 3.really such must sentiments which the tall building stood in great numbers?

1. that moved recollection

always motioned a person to not go in mine mind 2. childhood

that had the open area which frequently many children lingered

now also already turned the place 3. your really such 绝 sentiment which the tall building stood in great numbers? 4. even if is I is impossible to do es out

depends on you? 5. you who grows up in here certainly very much knows well since childhood to here! 6. do not look at his such white hair stained old man

but he is very fierce! 7. creates a scene! 8. speaks with him simply wastes my time! 9. does not eat

I was full. 10. that ten years ago buy the antique

I already wanted to throw it! Is only old man who that swallows the ancient learning without digesting it insists it to stay behind. 11. will look like you like this how possibly to rush oains an enterprise to e?


我觉得很美的这句英语句子就用了这种方法。这个英语句子这样说I always miss you ,so I miss you, so I miss you much now.这个句子里用了miss的三个意思。用汉语翻译一下就是“我总是逃避你所以我错过你,因此我现在很思念你。”如果不能理解miss的含义很容易就翻译成了“我总是思念你所以我思念你,因此我现在很思念你。”我觉得这个句子的美就美在这里虽然仅仅是这一个单词却能够翻译出不同的意思。而且由这一个单词的三个含义组成的一个句子不仅考验人们对单词的掌握和理解能力更是将简单的一句话变得有深度。而且从汉语翻译上来看这句话是很有意境的。大概情景就是讲述了一个因为不能坦然面对最终错过的有情人。我觉得这句话很美的一个原因也在于此。因为这个简单的句子虽然没有任何语法的堆砌却表达了很美丽的意境。







这个词普遍被用为"relationship" "connecyion"来翻译(关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系)



“walk slowly”(行;缓步;迈方步;徐步)



to wrongly accuse(错告)






add oil/add fuel(油; 石油; 燃油; 油画; 给…加油; 化成油)



The fire is the test of gold;adversity of strong man.?
