

1、born under an unlucky star, he has always faced hardship in life.

2、i feel like i'm stuck in a never-ending cycle of struggle and heartache.

3、i feel like i'm living in a perpetual state of struggle and hardship.





8、despite the challenges he faces, he remains hopeful for a better tomorrow.

9、life can be a cruel mistress that leaves us with nothing but despair.

10、he is a living testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

11、the constant hardships have made him a bitter and cynical person.



14、despite everything he has been through, he remains kind-hearted and compassionate towards others.

15、through his struggles, he has learned the true meaning of strength and courage.


17、the darkness of despair can swallow even the strongest of souls.



20、life is a journey that can test the limits of our endurance and strength.

21、despite all of his hardships, he remains grateful for the smallest blessings in life.


23、i've learned to accept that life is just not fair, and it never will be.

24、the hardships i've faced have left me scarred and broken inside.

25、the bitter fruits of life are often the ones that leave the sweetest taste behind.


27、the struggles he has faced have only made him stronger and more resilient.




31、the scars of a difficult childhood can stay with a person forever.

32、nothing in my life has ever come easy, leaving me weary and discouraged.


34、every breath is a reminder of the harshness of life.



37、those who live in poverty know the true meaning of hardship.


39、life has been a continuous cycle of pain and disappointment.

40、the cruelty of fate can make even the most hopeful despair.

41、fate always seems to play tricks on me, causing me constant pain and suffering.



44、the most difficult roads in life often lead to the most rewarding destinations.

45、life has been a constant battle, one that i fight every single day.


47、even when all seems lost, he refuses to give up on his dreams.

48、the pain of rejection can be the most bitter of all.


50、the harsh reality of life can leave us feeling empty and alone.


52、life is a constant battle, but we must never give up the fight.

53、life has not been kind to him, but he remains hopeful for a brighter tomorrow.

54、he may have been dealt a difficult hand in life, but he refuses to let it define him.

55、his hardships have taught him the value of hard work and perseverance.


57、life is an endless struggle for the unfortunate ones.

58、determined to break the cycle of poverty, he has worked tirelessly to create a better life for himself.

59、life has never been kind to him, but he refuses to give up on his dreams.

60、those who endure hardship often emerge stronger for it.

61、life has been tough, but i refuse to let it defeat me.

62、his suffering has taught him valuable life lessons that have shaped him into the person he is today.

63、those who are born into hardship must find a way to rise above it.


65、for the unfortunate, life can seem like an endless maze with no exit.

66、the struggles of life can rob us of the joy we once had.

67、every time i face a setback, i'm left to pick up the pieces and start over.

68、the unfortunate events in his life have left emotional scars that never heal.

69、i've been dealt a difficult hand in life, one that i struggle to overcome.

70、the harsh winds of life can bend us, but they cannot break us.

71、it seems that no matter how hard i try, i'm always the one left behind.

72、the lonely heart is a heavy heart indeed.



75、the struggle of life can forge us into the people we were always meant to be.

76、fate may have dealt him a bad hand, but he refuses to play the victim.

77、the struggle of life can bring us to our knees, but we must never let it break us.


79、i've faced countless obstacles and setbacks, each one more difficult than the last.

80、in this world, the meek and the downtrodden are often the most deserving of mercy.

81、for the unlucky, life can seem like an endless stretch of misery.

82、those who are cursed with a difficult life must find the strength to carry on.

83、his struggles have taught him the power of patience and determination.



86、the greatest lessons in life are often learned through hardship and pain.

87、i've come to accept that things will never be easy for me, no matter how hard i try.

88、he is a shining example of how resilience and hard work can overcome even the toughest of circumstances.


90、despite his best efforts, bad luck seems to follow him everywhere.

91、life is a bitter pill that must be swallowed until the end.

92、it's difficult to find joy in the small things when life feels so overwhelmingly difficult.

93、his perseverance in the face of adversity is truly inspiring.