
The Christmas season is a time to cherish loved ones. 圣诞节是珍爱亲人的时候。~~你喜欢这种句子风格吗?你也许需要"圣诞节英文小句子(精品200句)"这样的内容,如果对这个话题感兴趣的话,请关注本站。


2、may the spirit of christmas fill our hearts with joy and gratitude.

3、the aroma of freshly baked christmas cookies fills the house.

4、going ice skating with loved ones is a classic holiday activity.


6、the sparkle and glow of christmas lights and candles adds warmth and beauty to the holiday season.

7、wishing you a christmas season filled with love, peace, and harmony. 祝您圣诞佳节充满爱、和平和和谐!



10、"with the twinkling lights and festive decorations, christmas always brings a sense of magic to the air."(圣诞节的闪烁灯光和节日装饰总能带来一丝魔力。)

11、the air is filled with the sweet aroma of holiday baking. 空气中弥漫着节日烘焙食品的甜香。



14、may your christmas be filled with joy and peace. 祝你圣诞节充满快乐和平安。

15、wishing you a christmas full of happy memories and joyful moments! 祝你的圣诞充满快乐的回忆和愉快的时刻!

16、the christmas season is a special time for us to cherish our loved ones, share happiness and care for each other.

17、wishing you all the best this christmas season. 祝您圣诞佳节万事如意!

18、cozy fireside chats with loved ones are a cherished christmas tradition. 和爱的人在火炉边温馨聊天是一项珍贵的圣诞传统。

19、time such as poem, rising and falling。 friendship, such as song, lingering。 warm season, missing is full, i wish you a merry christmas!

20、may your christmas be wrapped in happiness, and your new year be filled with hope. 愿你的圣诞节充满幸福,新年充满希望。

21、may your christmas be filled with love and happiness. 祝圣诞节充满爱和幸福!


23、may your christmas be filled with all things bright and beautiful! 愿你的圣诞节充满所有美好而明亮的事物!


25、may this festive season bring you peace and tranquility. - 愿这个节日季节带给你平静和安宁。

26、sending you warm wishes for a christmas full of love and joy! 给你送去温馨的祝福,愿你的圣诞充满爱和欢乐!

27、the holiday season brings out the generosity in people.

28、wishing you a christmas that is filled with lots of toys and goodies! 祝你的圣诞节充满玩具和好东西!



31、the sound of church bells ringing on christmas day is a reminder of the reason for the season.

32、may your christmas be filled with laughter and joy. 愿你的圣诞节充满笑声和欢乐。

33、the festive aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg wafts from the kitchen, signaling the start of christmas festivities. 从厨房传来的桂皮和肉豆蔻的节日香气,标志着圣诞节开始了。


35、the feeling of warmth and happiness when surrounded by loved ones during christmas is indescribable.

36、these days there has been a problem that puzzle me: you clearly is not hen, why everyone want to wish you a happy egg?


38、in the season of joy i present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts may the kind of christmas outshine all the rest 在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的圣诞比往年更璀璨。

39、have a very merry christmas! 祝您过一个非常快乐的圣诞节!


41、may your heart be filled with love and happiness this christmas and always! 愿你的心在这个圣诞节和永远都充满爱和幸福!

42、the peacefulness and beauty of a snowy christmas day is breathtaking.

43、wishing you a season of blessings and a happy and peaceful christmas! 祝福你一个充满祝福、圣诞快乐而平安的季节!

44、"the spirit of christmas is all about giving, sharing, and spreading joy."(圣诞节的精神在于给予、分享和传递快乐。)

45、have a holly, jolly christmas! 祝你过一个充满欢乐、圣诞树的圣诞节!

46、merry everything and happy always! 圣诞快乐,万事如意!

47、have a wonderful christmas and a magical holiday season! 祝你一个美好的圣诞节和神奇的假期!

48、the beauty and majesty of a live nativity scene depicts the true meaning of christmas.

49、warm wishes for a wonderful christmas and a happy new year filled with love and laughter! 祝你有一个充满爱和欢笑,愉快的圣诞节和新年!

50、may all your dreams come true this christmas and in the new year! 愿你的所有梦想在这个圣诞节和新的一年里实现!

51、the sight of colorful christmas decorations brings joy to the heart. 彩色的圣诞装饰品的景象让人心生欢喜。

52、many people enjoy giving back to their community during the holiday season.

53、the anticipation of christmas morning is always exciting. 盼望着圣诞节早晨总是很令人兴奋。

54、christmas lights and decorations add a magical touch to any home.

55、let’s bake some christmas cookies! 让我们来烤圣诞曲奇饼干!

56、the sweet sound of jingle bells on a sleigh ride conjures up a sense of wonder and delight. 滑雪车上发出的叮当铃声带给人一种惊奇和欢乐的感觉。

57、wishing you a very merry christmas and a happy new year filled with love and blessings! 祝你圣诞节快乐,愿新年充满爱和祝福!

58、merry christmas to you and your loved ones, and may your holidays be filled with happiness and joy. 祝你和你的亲人圣诞快乐,假期充满幸福和喜悦。

59、the magic of christmas can be seen in the twinkling eyes of children as they open their presents. 给孩子们开礼物时,圣诞节的魔力可以从他们闪亮的眼睛中看到。

60、the tradition of hanging stockings for santa claus to fill is a beloved part of the holiday season.


62、carolers spreading holiday cheer by singing outside people's homes.

63、wishing you all the best this holiday season. 祝您在节日里万事如意!

64、the tradition of leaving cookies and milk for santa claus on christmas eve is one that many families enjoy. 在圣诞前夜给圣诞老人留下饼干和牛奶的传统很受许多家庭的喜爱。

65、joy to the world! merry christmas and a happy new year! 欢唱世界!圣诞快乐,新年快乐!

66、christmas songs and hymns celebrate the birth of jesus christ.


68、the practice of attending midnight mass on christmas eve is one that many families observe. 在圣诞前夜参加午夜弥撒是许多家庭遵循的习惯。

69、 在圣诞节,人们喜欢吃各种美食,比如火鸡、甜点和糖果等,这也是这个节日的重要组成部分。

70、may the peace and joy of christmas be with you today and throughout the new year. 愿圣诞节的平安和欢乐与你同在,直到新年!

71、wishing you and your family a very merry christmas and a happy new year. 祝你和你的家人圣诞快乐,新年快乐。

72、the giving of gifts is a symbol of love and appreciation during the holiday season.

73、christmas is a time of joy and celebration. 圣诞节是欢乐和庆祝的时刻。


75、may your christmas be filled with the warmth of love and the joy of family. 祝您圣诞节充满爱的温暖和家人的欢乐!

76、have a blessed christmas with your family and friends. 祝您与家人、朋友圣诞节丰盛多彩!

77、nothing beats cozying up by the fire with a mug of hot cocoa on christmas day.

78、the excitement of children on christmas morning is contagious and brings joy to the hearts of adults as well. 孩子们在圣诞早晨的兴奋感很具有传染性,也让大人们心生欢喜。

79、the holiday season wouldn't be complete without a christmas feast.

80、may the joy of christmas be with you today and always! 愿圣诞节的快乐与你同在,永远!

81、may your christmas be filled with lots of love, peace, and happiness. 愿你的圣诞节充满大量的爱、和平和快乐。


83、may the beauty, spirit, and magic of christmas fill your heart and home with joy and peace. 愿圣诞的美丽、精神和魔力充满你的心和家,带来快乐和和平。





88、the snow is falling softly outside. 外面雪花轻轻飘落。

89、may the true meaning of christmas fill your heart and home with many blessings. 愿圣诞节的真正意义在你的心中充盈,家里充满各种祝福。


91、may your christmas be merry and bright. 愿你的圣诞节快乐而明亮。


93、the nostalgia of childhood christmas memories holds a special place in our hearts.

94、have a magical and enchanting christmas with your family and friends. 祝您与家人、朋友共度魔幻、迷人的圣诞节!

95、collect in my heart every blessing, each kind of desire, depicted in my heart every detail, every hope, send to your deep concern。

96、"the best part of christmas is spending time with loved ones and creating new memories to cherish."(圣诞节最美好的部分是与所爱的人在一起,创造珍贵的新回忆。)


98、may the spirit of christmas fill your heart with joy and happiness. - 愿圣诞的精神充满你的心,带来快乐和幸福。

99、the joy of decorating the house with lights and garlands is a fun family activity.

100、christmas is a time to show love and gratitude for those around us.

101、christmas cards and letters are a great way to spread cheer.


103、may the beauty and blessings of christmas be with you today and always.

104、the joy of baking and decorating christmas cookies with loved ones is a cherished memory.

105、may the magic of christmas fill your heart with hope and wonder. - 愿圣诞的魔力充满你的心,带来希望和奇迹。

106、let’s send christmas cards to all our friends and family. 让我们给所有的朋友和家人寄圣诞卡。

107、wishing you a merry christmas and a happy new year filled with endless blessings. 祝您圣诞快乐,新年万事如意!

108、it’s a white christmas this year! 今年是一个白色的圣诞节!

109、the nativity scene is a reminder of the true meaning of christmas.

110、greeting loved ones with hugs and kisses is a common christmas tradition.

111、writing letters to santa claus with christmas wishes is a fun activity.

112、wishing you a christmas season filled with gratitude and blessings. 祝您圣诞季节充满感恩和祝福!



115、 圣诞节是一个家庭团聚的时刻,让我们珍惜这个机会,和家人共同度过这个重要的节日。

116、the feeling of love and goodwill towards all is at the heart of the christmas season.

117、have a peaceful and meaningful christmas with your loved ones. 祝您与您的亲人度过平静、有意义的圣诞节!

118、the anticipation leading up to christmas day can be just as exciting as the holiday itself.

119、sending you warm wishes and good cheer for a merry christmas and a happy new year! - 祝你圣诞快乐,新年快乐!

120、wishing you a blessed christmas full of love and joy. 祝您圣诞节丰盛多彩,充满爱和欢乐!

121、may you have a merry and blessed christmas, and may the coming year be filled with peace and prosperity. 祝你圣诞快乐,幸福、健康、平安、繁荣,新年快乐!


123、the excitement of finding the perfect christmas tree to bring home is contagious.


125、wishing you all the joys of the season and happiness throughout the coming year. - 祝你在这个季节里体验到所有的欢乐,新年快乐!



128、may you have the gift of faith, the blessing of hope, and the peace of his love at christmas and always.


130、have a jolly and delightful christmas with your family and friends! 祝您与家人、朋友共度愉快、欢乐的圣诞节!

131、may your christmas be filled with the warmth of family, friends, and good memories. - 愿你的圣诞节充满家人、朋友和美好回忆的温暖。

132、christmas shopping can be stressful, but finding the perfect gift is worth it.



135、wrapping presents in colorful paper and ribbons is a fun activity.

136、streets, everywhere filled with the smell of christmas, my deeply bless for you, also falls in it。 have noticed?


138、here's to a season of love, kindness, and wonderful memories! 祝你一个充满爱、善良和美好回忆的季节!

139、have yourself a merry little christmas and a happy new year! 祝你过一个快乐的圣诞小节和新年快乐!

140、christmas carols sung by choirs and musical groups bring the spirit of the season to life. 合唱团和音乐团体演唱的圣诞颂歌为节日的精神注入生命。

141、the twinkling lights and colorful decorations all around bring joy to the holiday season.

142、the sight of snowflakes falling on christmas day is magical.

143、i love spending time with family during christmas. 我喜欢在圣诞节期间和家人在一起。

144、the christmas ham or turkey is often the centerpiece of the holiday feast.




148、the streets are lit up with colorful christmas lights.

149、wishing you a blessed christmas and a happy holiday season. - 祝你有一个神圣的圣诞节和一个快乐的假期季节。

150、the practice of sending christmas cards to loved ones near and far is a time-honored tradition. 将圣诞贺卡寄给远近的亲友是一项历史悠久的传统。

151、you know it's christmas when the stores are filled with holiday decorations.

152、wishing you a blessed christmas and a new year filled with happy surprises 祝圣诞平安,新年中有意想不到的收获!

153、merry christmas and best wishes for a happy new year! 圣诞快乐,祝你新年快乐!

154、merry christmas and a happy new year! - 圣诞快乐,新年快乐!

155、christmas is a time for love and generosity. 圣诞节是爱和慷慨的时候。


157、candy canes, gingerbread houses, and other festive treats are beloved christmas sweets. 拐杖糖、姜饼屋和其他节日美食都是深受喜爱的圣诞甜品。

158、the festive sounds of bells, holiday music, and laughter fill the air, creating a magical atmosphere. 钟声、节日音乐和欢笑的声音在空气中弥漫,营造出一个神奇的氛围。

159、christmas is a special day for us, we celebrate it by exchanging gifts and spending time with our loved ones.

160、恩爱日新。即便没有一切,只要有爱便足矣。 may the beauty and joy of christmas remain with you throughout the new year!

161、merry christmas and a happy new year!

162、have a peaceful and restful christmas with your loved ones. 祝您与亲人共度平和、宁静的圣诞节!


164、have a holly jolly christmas and enjoy the season's festive cheer! 祝你渡过一个欢乐的圣诞节,享受季节的欢乐气氛!

165、wishing you a wonderful christmas season. 祝您圣诞佳节快乐!

166、may the magic of christmas fill your heart with joy and happiness! 愿圣诞的魔力填满你的心,带来快乐和幸福!

167、wishing you a season filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable moments. 祝你的圣诞季充满笑声、爱意和难忘的时刻。


169、may your cup be filled with hot cocoa, your home filled with laughter, and your heart filled with love this christmas. - 愿你的杯里装满热可可,家里充满欢笑,心里充满爱在这个圣诞节。

170、wishing you a joyful and peaceful christmas season. 祝您圣诞节充满欢乐和平安!

171、the spirit of giving to those in need is an important aspect of the holidays.

172、may the spirit of christmas bring you warmth and peace in the coming year. 愿圣诞节的精神带给你来年的温暖和平静。

173、the tradition of lighting the christmas tree is a symbol of hope and the promise of a bright future. 点亮圣诞树的传统是希望和美好未来的象征。

174、the excitement of children getting dressed up in their holiday best for christmas dinner is contagious.

175、the warmth and comfort of snuggling up under a cozy blanket to watch christmas movies is unbeatable.

176、have a wonderful and memorable christmas with your family and friends. 祝您与家人、朋友共渡美好、难忘的圣诞节!

177、christmas is the most wonderful time of the year.

178、may the spirit of christmas fill your heart with love and joy, and may the new year bring you happiness and success. 愿圣诞的精神充满你的心,带来爱和喜悦;而新年则带给你快乐和成功。

179、may your christmas be filled with all the things that make you happy. 祝您圣诞节充满所有让您快乐的事物!

180、the freshness of the winter air on christmas morning gives a sense of renewal and hope.

181、have a holly, jolly christmas!

182、christmas markets with their festive decorations and delicious treats are a must-visit during the holiday season. 圣诞市集的节日装饰和美味佳肴在节日期间是必去之地。

183、the holiday season is a time for forgiveness, love, and generosity. 节日季节是宽恕、爱和慷慨的时刻。

184、the warmth of a crackling fire during christmas gatherings is comforting.

185、the happiness on children's faces when they receive presents is priceless.

186、haven't hear your voice, no one to hear me talk for a long time, in snow days, miss you so much, i wish a happy christmas!

187、may the peace and joy of christmas be with you today and always.


189、children look forward to opening their presents on christmas morning.

190、wishing you happiness, peace, and prosperity this christmas and always.

191、may your christmas be as bright as the star on the top of the tree! 愿你的圣诞节闪耀如树头上的星星!

192、warmest wishes for a wonderful christmas and a happy new year! 最美好的祝愿,圣诞快乐,新年快乐!

193、the christmas season is a time to cherish loved ones. 圣诞节是珍爱亲人的时候。

194、"may your days be merry and bright, and may all your christmases be white." - 愿你的日子变得快乐而明亮,愿你的每个圣诞节都变得晶莹洁白。

195、the smell of fresh pine fills the room thanks to the christmas tree.

196、the tradition of hanging stockings by the fireplace and filling them with treats is a beloved christmas ritual. 在壁炉旁挂上袜子并将其装满美食的传统是一项深受喜爱的圣诞仪式。


198、may your christmas be filled with laughter and love. 祝您的圣诞节充满欢笑和爱!

199、the christmas spirit is contagious and brings people together. 圣诞节的精神是很有感染力的,能够把人们聚集在一起。

200、the anticipation of ringing in the new year adds to the festive spirit of the season. 迎接新年的期待增添了节日气氛。