

3.五年级上册英语短文 带翻译 全是五年级上册的单词的



五年级上册英语第五页读法是It's so tall! Some dinosaurs are bigger than houses.















Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met (遇见) a wolf.

That's a good idea.

Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers are so beautiful. Why not pick (采集) some?



The wolf went to her grandma's house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole.

What are you doing, dear grandma?

I'm just waiting to eat you, silly girl.

In grandma's house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma's ears, eyes and mouth were all very big.

z~ z~ z~

The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep.

Thank you, sir.

A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.



Unit 1 Unit 2

young...年轻的 Monday(Mon.)....星期一

funny...滑稽可笑的 Tuesday(Tue.)...星期二

tall....高的 Wednesday(Wed.)...星期三

strong..强壮的 Thuisdat(Thu.)...星期四

kind....和蔼的,亲切的 Friday(Fri.).....星期五

old.....年老的 Moral Education...思想品德课

short...矮的 Social Studies....社会课

thin....瘦的 day..............天,日子

who's=who is..是谁 wait..........等等,等待,希望对你有帮助

五年级上册英语短文 带翻译 全是五年级上册的单词的


1、五年级英语上册句型:Unit 1 my new teachers

We have a new English teacher. 我们有一个新英语老师。

Who's your English teacher? 谁是你们的英语老师?

Mr Carter. He's from Canada. 卡特先生。他来自加拿大。

What's he like? 他长得怎样?

He's tall and strong. He's very funny. 他又高又强壮。他很滑稽。

2、五年级英语上册句型:Unit 2 my days of the week

What day is it today? It's Monday. 今天星期几?今天星期一。

What do we have on Monday? 我们星期一有什么课?

Let me see.让我看看。

We have English, science, computer and P.E on Monday. 我们星期一有英语,科学,电脑和体育课。

What do you do on Saturday? 你星期六干什么?

I often do my homework and watch TV. 我通常做作业和看电视。

What about you 你呢?

I often do housework and read books. 我通常做家务活和看书。

3、五年级英语上册句型:Unit 3 what's your favouirite food?

What do you have for lunch today on Monday? 你今天/星期一中餐吃什么?

We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. 我们吃番茄、豆腐和鱼。

What's your favorite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?

I like apples. They are sweet. 我喜欢苹果,他们很甜。

What would you like for dinner? 你晚餐想吃点什么?

I'd like potatoes. 我想吃土豆。


1.Today is Friday, a clear day.I get up early, and have breakfast, start writing homework .In the afternoon , the family have rice, grandpa go to bed.Mother goes to a supermarket to buy things to make dinner together with me, we bought a lot of things, there are tomatoes,eggplants, etc..We had a great meal.I'm very happy today.今天是星期五,晴朗的一天。我早早起了床,吃完早餐,就开始写作业。到了中午,一家人吃完了饭,爷爷就去睡觉了。妈妈和我一起去超市买东西做晚餐,我们买了很多东西,有西红柿,茄子,等等。我们吃了丰富的一餐.今天我很高兴。

.I like my family.there are 6 poeple in my family.

My father,mother,grandfather,grandmother,my sister and me.My father is a doctor,he likes reading books .My mother is a teacher,she likes singing.Grandpa and grandma are farmers ,they like drawing. My sister likes reading books ,too.I like playing computer games and I like my family!

How about you ?




1. Is there a garden in the school? No, there isn’t.学校里有个花园吗?不,没有。 2. Is there a reading room near the playground? Yes, there is.操场附近有个阅览室吗?是的。 3. Are there any songbooks in the bookcase? Yes, there are.书架里有一些歌本吗?是的。 m.niuyingyu.cn 4. Are there any swings in the park? No, there aren’t.花园里有一些秋千吗?不,没有。 5. How many TV rooms are there in the building? There are four.大楼里有几间电视房?有四间。 6、It is the first day of the new term. 这是新学期的第一天。 7、All the students are back at school. 所有的学生都回到了学校。 8、They are happy to see each other again.他们很高兴又相互见面了。 9、Is there a park near your house? 在你的房子附近有一个花园吗? 10、Are there any reading rooms in the building?大楼里有一些阅览室吗? 11、There are some cakes and grapes on the plate. 在盘子上有一些蛋糕和葡萄。 12.What’s under the bed? There’s a football under the bed. 床下面有什么?床下面有个足球。 13.What’s on the table? There are some glasses on the table.桌子上有什么?桌子上有些玻璃杯。 14.There isn’t a pencil on the desk. 课桌上没有一支铅笔。 15.There are not any pictures on the wall. 墙上没有任何(复数)。 16.Yang Ling and her parents live in a new house now. 杨玲和她的父母现在住在一所新房子里。 17.They like the new house very much.他们非常喜欢新房子。 18. There’s a map of the world on the wall.在墙上有一张世界地图。 19.The rabbit in the black hat looks very happy. 戴着黑色帽子的兔子看起来很高兴。 20. Can you sing? Yes, I can.你会唱歌吗?是的,我会 学生介绍听的音乐就好了的感觉,懂英语,因为英语往往是口语对话和教师,进步是相当大的,但重点是英语说了练习听力过程中,课后或以自己的努力,阿伦有免费试听英语课程,每天晚上,建议去看看。