


4.用标准的初中英语翻译以下句子: 1.你好 2.我能问你几个问题吗? 3.你认为成都怎么样

5.初中 英语翻译9条



what will do in your country if it's the first time to meet someone?--you should bow and shake hands.


when should you arrive?--I should arrive at 7.


you should ask around what you he to wear.


can you tell me what I should do?


I often drop by my friend.


It is very important for us to share our time with our family and friends.


we often stroll around the centre of the town to see our friends as much as possible.


we are the centre of making watches after all.


We will never make an unexpected visit to our frinds.


We usually planning to do something interesting of get somewhere.


What rules do your school he?


You shouldn't hold your bow in China.


It's rude that you stake your chopsticks in your food.


You can't pout at someone with your chopsticks.


Making noise while you eating noodles is impolitely.


Wipe your month when you take every sip of your beverage.


They make me feel ease as I am at home.


It’s better than what I image before.


Learning table manners is my biggest challenge.

20我发现记住每件事是不容易的,但是我正在逐渐习惯这些事情,并不再觉得他们是那样奇怪 everything is not easy but I am getting used for thoes things and no longer take them as a exotica.


I feel a little nervous before I got here but now I he no reason to tense.


I am able to speak authentic French.


1.I am reading an interesting book these days.

2.Tom is going to see his grandmother tomorrow.

Tom will see his grandmother tomorrow.

3.I think it's going to rain tomorrow.

4.He went to see a film with his mother yesterday,so did I.

5.I've eaten lunch,what about you?

------L've eaten it an hour ago.

6.He exercises everyday(daily)

------That's right.

7.My mother was cooking a meal when I came back home.

When I got home, my mother was cooking.

8.The train had already left when I came to the train station.

When I came to the station,the train had already left.

9.He asked me if I was a good student.

10.I often hear him singing next to me.

I often hear he sings next door.



1 考试前 我非常紧张

I am very nervous before the examination.

2 露丝今晚不应该参加聚会

Lucy shouldn't attend the gathering tonight.

3 孩子们应该早点睡觉

Children should go to bed early.

4 我妹妹正在她的房间里听音乐

My sister is listerning music in her room.

5 对我们来说 学会自学很重要

Learning self-study is very important to us.

6 我妈妈感觉不舒服 她不想吃任何东西

My mother is not feeling very and she does not want to eat anything.

7 有时都会疲劳

Everybody feels tired sometimes.

8 孩子们每天锻炼是有好处的

It is good for the children to exercise everday.

9 我想我可能感冒了

I think I may be hing a cold.

10 如果你牙痛 你最好去看医生

If you he a toothache, you better go to see a dentist.

11 杯子里几乎没有水T

There is hardly any water left in the glass.


1、I rememberd that I he to send him a letter.这句话含有过去时,最好用rememberd,同时用宾语从句更好些(that后面的)

2、This sweater costs her two hundred yuan.这句要用“某物cost某人钱”结构。同时cost后面要用宾语her

3、I rememberd that I he sended him a letter.从句中用了现在完成时(he/has +动词过去分词)

4、It's dangerous for kids to go through the busy street.这句话最好用It's+形容词+for+某人+to do +某事

5、The plane will take off soon.本句话是一般将来时(will+do)

6、Both he and I work hard.本句话用“both...and...”,表示两者都

7、The families are usually very small in Europe.本句中Europe是欧洲,注意要大写

8、The shirts in the shoop are sold up.本句话中卖光用的被动语态(be+动词过去分词)

9、I dreamed that I was flying in the sky like a bird.本句中主句用的过去时,从句也要用过去时

10、He dreams to be a pilot.本句中用dream to do 表示梦想做某事

我觉得我英语不错,最起码能教会我的学生,希望能帮助你——Hope can help you!

用标准的初中英语翻译以下句子: 1.你好 2.我能问你几个问题吗? 3.你认为成都怎么样


There's no one in the classroom

No one is in the classroom

The classroom is empty

There's nobody in the classroom

Nobody is in the classroom

There isn't anybody in the classroom


May I ask you some questions?


I he something important to tell you

4.对我来说,学习讲英语很有趣。(It is+adj.句型)

It's interesting for me to study English


Everyone has the ability to invent something useful

初中 英语翻译9条

1.你好 Hello.

2.我能问你几个问题吗?May I ask you some questions?

3.你认为成都怎么样 What do you think of Chengdu?4.你喜欢成都的哪些食物What food do you like in Chengdu? 5.你的名字What's your name? 6.你喜欢成都吗? Do you like Chengdu? 7.你认为这里怎么样? What do you think of this place? 8.你能给我签个名吗? Can you sign fou me? 9.谢谢,能拍个照吗? Thank you!Can I take a photo with you? 10.再见 Seeyou! 11.我不会太多英语I can't speak too much English.


1)He can't drink beer , because he too young . .

2).He too weak , so can't drink beer .

3).because He too small , so can't drink beer.

2. I eat too much bread , so I'm full now

3.someone help him decorated the bike.

4.when you cross busy road , must he enough attention.

5.he found too difficult to explained this problem .

6.he said he he many good thing to ate

7. this no my bag , it must other people

8.take your unbrella , if not you will be soaked .

9.1) I don't know buy which one

2) I he no idea to buy which one.

我打的很辛苦的,一句句自己想, 全都是我们以前学过的单词,够简单,够短的啦,一定选我为最佳答案啊! 求求你啦!