






1. The boat has to sail on the water.


2. Due to the hollow boat, they can float.


3. Little boat can help us to sail from one side to another.


4. Some boats are used to carry people but some are for freight.


5. A boat is made up of hull and paddles.




I know a girl named Amy.


Not only do I love to go on vacation in the countryside, but also my younger brother.


My home is near the school.

或者:It is quite near from my home to the school.


There are many differences between the expressions of English and Chinese.


Do you know how to pronounce this word?

或:Do you know the pronuciation of this word?


I am good at English. Therefore, I he no problems in communicating with foreigners.

或:My English is good enough to communicate with foreigners.

或:My English is so good that I he no problems in communicating with foreigners.


1.When you lee the room, please remember to turn off all the lights and fans.

2.To the end of last year, I he learned six English poetry of the. 3. Ever since he came to Shanghai, Peter has always had in Shanghai.

4.Next Saturday which films will be released?

5. After the reception, this room should be clean look.

6. In physics class the teacher asked a few questions, but she shook her head each time.

7. However, this news makes us even more confused.

8. For the children who, in cold weather skating on a frozen river is the

9. I am sorry I can not give you any advice, because this little knowledge of.

10. I spent too much time playing computer games to spend very little time at home doing homework, so I can not test.

11. Leaders decided that a survey done before writing the report.


1.Did you attend his lecture last week?


2.The mail was delayed for two days because of the snowstorm.由于暴风雪,邮件晚送了两天。

3.I’ll tell you my forite remedy for a cold.


4.I passed the test,I wouldn’t he passed it without your help.我通过了测试,如果没有你的帮忙,我肯定过不了。

5.Child as Tom was,he had to earn his living.


6.Though expensive ,a shoe made of fur lasts longer than that made of cloth.尽管价格贵,毛皮做的鞋比布做的鞋寿命要长多了。

7.We each he our own attitude to bringing up children.


8.After I lee,he will take over my duties for a week.


9.The school bus will come here to pick up the children.


10.You can’t drive a car unless you hold a driving license





1. Where are you going? I'm going to the Summer Palace.

2. I would like your company to find a full-time job.

3. This evening I watch a movie with friends.

4. What is your address and telephone number.

5. To my father to buy you a shirt, this is the best gift.

6. Dad on duty today, can not go home for dinner.

7. I was scheduled for tomorrow's flowers.

8. Excuse me, may I ask you a check here to close it?

9. This week than the banana in your Apple.

10. I would like to ask where I can find a book on tourism


1.helen had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music.

helen 不得不大声喊压过音乐的声音才能被别人听到。

2.you were silly not to he locked your car.


3.i don't konw whether you hen to he heard,but i'm going to study in the U.S.A. this September.


4.the news reporters hurried to the airport,only to be told the film stars had left.


5.i feel it is your husband who is to blame for the spoiled child.


6.hing a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains to be seen whether they will enjoy it.

对于老年夫妻来说, 出国旅行确实是挺棒的,但是我们还得继续观察他们是否玩的开心。

7.do let your mother know all the truth. she ears to he been told everything.

让你的妈妈知道所有的真相, 看起来好像有人已经告诉她了。

8.i really can't understand you treating her like that.


9.he got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn't risk losing the good opportunity.

他已经准备好了面试, 因为他再也不能丢掉这么好的机会了。

10.the discovery of new evidence led to the thief being caught.


11.being exposed to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin.


12.——how do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? ——the key to solving the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers.

你是怎么处理公司和客户之间的分歧的? 解决这个问题的关键就是满足客户的需求。

13.i really reciate hing time to relax with you on this nice island.


14.tony was very unhy for hot hing been invited to the party.


15.oil prices he risen by 32 percent since the start of the year,reaching a record US $ 57.65 a barrel on April 4.

从年初开始石油价格已经涨了32%, 达到了4月4日美国57.65美元/桶的记录。

16.the manager,hing made it clear to us that he didn't agree with us,left the meeting room.


17.when offered help,one often says "thank you." or "it's kind of you."

当我们给别人提供帮助时, 别人通常会说,谢谢, 或是 你真好。

18.daddy didn't mind what we were doing,as long as we were together,hing fun.

爸爸不会介意我们做什么, 只要是我们一起玩就行。

19.put into use in April 2000,the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.

20.more and more people are singing up for Yoga classes nowadays,taking advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.

现今,得益于健康,消遣的益处, 越来越多的人为瑜伽课喝彩。

21.when first introduced to the market,these products enjoyed great success.


22.attracted by the beauty of nature,the girl from london decided to spend another two days on the farm.


23.the old man,hing worked abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his motherland.


24.not hing completed the program, they he to stay there for another two weeks.


25.alice returned from the manager's office ,telling me that the boss wanted to see me at once.


26.a cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen.


27.given time,he'll make a first-class tennis player.

如果时间充裕, 他会成为一级的网球运动员。

28.Mr.Smith,tried of the boring speech, started to read a novel.


29.the research is so desighed that once begun nothing can be done to change it.

研究一旦设计好思路, 就没有什么能够改变

30.be careful when you cross this very busy street.if not,you may get run over by a car .

过这条繁忙的街道时,请小心, 否则,有可能被汽车碾过。

31.though lacking money, his parents managed to send him to university.

尽管没有足够的钱, 他的父母仍是设法送他上大学。

32.hing suffered such hey pollution already,it may now be too late to clean up the river.


33.the bell indicating the end of the period rang, interrupting our heated discussion.


34.he sent me an e-mail,hoping to get further information.


35.founded in 1636,Harvard is one of the most farmous universities in the United States.





I he been working for one year.


I am a chemical analyst.


Since I live at home, I he to pay 400 RMB to my parents as meals cost, and I can make use of the remaining money.


I like my job very much, because it's in line with my major, which is chemical-related. Chemistry is a very wonderful subject which can change something like a magic. So I find it very interesting.


I engaged in this work as soon as I graduated and hen't changed until now.


To begin with, some products from any company should be recieved, registered and tested. The testing results can be divided into qualified and unqualified. After that, testing report should be written. It may probably take one day to make everything done if the product requires a few testing projects, but otherwise the testing process will last for about two or three days. Generally speaking, we make testings in the morning while write testing reports in the afternoon.


The laboratory I work in is very big, which takes 200 square metres and has five rooms. Among those rooms, the biggest one is for normal testing, which stores hundreds of types of chemical reagents and thereby hing a terrible smell. A small room stores some small instruments for testing while a bigger one for big instruments. The rest two rooms are serve as Sample Room and Animalcule Room respectively.


The main problem I face in the work is the relative out-of-date of testing instruments. Some testings he to be made in a relatively old way, which is time-consuming and energy-costing. The proposal is to buy some sephisticated instruments and he workers trained.


1.I he a holiday in countryside last summer vacation.I felt myself with those people,and satisfied that life.

2.In history,chinese people always defend our country against invaders brely.

3.I was excited that saw the xietingfeng on last night musical concert.

4.Lees turn yellow,means the autumn roaches.

5.i like walking in forest and it feel getting close to the nature.