1.一些英语题 急 在线等







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一些英语题 急 在线等

Mom often tells me neither show off nor to look down upon others.



英 ['na(r)]? 美 ['nir]

pron. 两者都不

adj. 两者都不的

adv. 也不

conj. 也不;既不

例句:Neither of the statements is true.


短语:neither more nor less than 完全同于



英 ['a(r)]? 美 ['i?r]

adj. 任一的;两方的

pron. 任一

adv. 也(用于否定句中)

conj. 或者(常用于either...or...的结构中)

例句:The thief was put in the police car with a policeman on either side of him.


短语:in either event 无论是这样还是那样


1 future将来

2. forget忘记

3 neighbors邻居

4 rabbish垃圾

5 letters 信

1 is ( there be句型就近原则,chicken不可数)

2 to do

3 himself

4 unhy

5 stopped

1 B 昆明的天气

2 C ( i元音,用an)

3 B 快点

4.B 在某一天用介词on

5. C ( sth. is interesting,有趣, make sb. do使某人做某事)

6 D 长相,用look like

1. He spent all day doing his homework in the classroom.

2. He enjoys himself playing the piano.


56. All of us he _______ (see) the new film.

57. Who was the first _______ (arrive)?

58. I always listen to the teacher _______ in class.(careful)

59. You must be ________ (lee) now.

60. The two _________ (knife) don’t look the same.

61. Winter is _____ (cold) season of the year.

62. Who wants to go___________ (swim) now?

63. What are some _____________ (different) between schools in China and Canada?

64. You’d better_______________ (drive), hadn’t you?

65. The agers are good at_____________ (dance).

71. He _______ (go) swimming in the river everyday in summer.

72. Mr. Black said that he ____________(come)back in five minutes.

73. She is very hungry. She ______ (not eat)anything for three days.

74. We won’t go to the park if it _________ (rain) tomorrow.

75. The book ________ (write) by a famous singer 30 years ago.

76. He told her _________(not go) out at night.

77. They were playing while I __________ (study).

78. I will go to bed when I ________ (finish) my homework.

79. We heard she ___________ (lee) the city.

80. ________ ( not smoke)in the school.

56 seen 57 arriver 58 carefully 59 leing 60 knives

61 the coldest 62 swimming 63 differences 64 drive 65 dancing 71 goes 72 could come 73 doesn’t eat 74 rains 75 was written

76 not to go 77 was studying 78 finish 79 had left 80 Don’t smoke







? Monday 星期一

? on Monday 在周一

? Tuesday星期二

? on Tuesday morning 在周二上午

? Wednesday星期三

? Thursday星期四

? Friday 星期五

? Saturday星期六

? Sunday 星期日

? week n. 星期

? weekday n. 平日;工作日

? on weekdays 在工作日

? weekend n. 周末



? I. 完成句子,一空一词:

? 1. The day after Wednesday is T___________.

? 2. In China, many pupils he to he different lessons ________ _________(在周末).

? II. 单项选择:

? 3. You can buy things in that shop from Monday to Friday. It opens on every __________.

? A. weekend B. weekends C. weekday D. weekdays

? 4. I can’t remember when we had the meeting, but I know it was _____ a Monday morning.

? A. in B. on C. at D. to



? 1. Thursday 在周三之后的天是周四。

? 2. on/at weekends 在周末用 on/at weekends。

? 3. 答案C。从周一到周五是工作日,而且由every来修饰,所以选择C。

? 4. 答案B。表示具体的某一天用介词on。



? What is the hottest day of a week?

? 答案:Sunday