

1、the translation should be engaging and compelling for the target audience.

2、the outcome of this exam will determine our future career prospects.

3、success on this exam can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities.

4、keep a positive mindset throughout the test, even if you encounter difficult questions.

5、we must prioritize self-care and stress-management techniques in the lead-up to this exam to ensure our success.




9、use reading comprehension strategies, such as predicting or summarizing, to aid in understanding texts.


11、clarify the instructions and ask for clarification if you are unsure about something.

12、use acronyms or mnemonics to help you remember important concepts or formulas.

13、we must stay organized and focused during the revision process to maximize our chances of success.

14、the preparation for this exam encompasses a broad range of subject matter.




18、use your scratch paper to jot down notes or make calculations before writing your answer.



21、use past tests or study materials to simulate testing conditions and gain experience.

22、our ability to perform well on this exam will be a testament to our hard work and dedication.

23、we must prioritize our studies and make sacrifices to ensure our success on this exam.



26、a good translator should be able to handle ambiguity and multiple interpretations.好的翻译人员应该能够处理歧义和多种解释。

27、we must not let our fear of failure hold us back from achieving greatness in this exam.

28、students who perform well on this exam stand a better chance of securing lucrative job opportunities.


30、our ability to identify the most important components of the exam and prioritize them can help us succeed.



33、consider the question from different angles to gain a deeper understanding of what is being asked.

34、maintaining a positive mindset can help us overcome exam anxiety and perform to the best of our abilities.

35、the translation should be faithful to the original text and not deviate from its meaning.

36、the translation must be authentic and sound natural to speakers of the target language.翻译必须真实且对目标语言的使用者听起来自然。

37、the translation should be formatted and presented in a professional manner.

38、the translator should use appropriate terminology and avoid jargon or slang.

39、use diagrams and illustrations to aid in your understanding and explanation of concepts.

40、proper time management is key to acing this exam.

41、the translator must be skilled in adapting the tone and style of the original text to the target language.翻译人员必须擅长将原文的语调和风格适应目标语言。



44、don't get bogged down on one question. move on and come back to it if you have time.




48、the translation should be proofread and edited by a second translator to ensure accuracy and quality.


50、we must avoid procrastination and stay motivated throughout our exam preparation.

51、this exam requires careful attention to detail and the ability to think critically.

52、this exam is a critical determinant of our ability to progress to higher education levels.




56、the translator should be able to express complex ideas clearly and concisely.翻译人员应该能够以清晰简明的方式表达复杂的思想。

57、avoid cramming for the test at the last minute. this will only make you more anxious.


59、we must approach this exam with a growth mindset and a determination to learn from our mistakes.


61、practicing effective study habits and time management skills can help us succeed on this exam.

62、sports art encompasses a wide range of disciplines, from painting to sculpture to photography.

63、familiarizing oneself with past exam papers can be beneficial in preparing for this exam.


65、proper diet and exercise can improve our cognitive function and help us perform well on this exam.
