

1、there is no failure except to give up trying! happy birthday to myself!


3、with the spring of blessing, wrapped the feeling of warmth, we put a happy, a joy to special day special you: happy birthday, health and happiness!

4、happy birthday! may your day be filled with love, laughter and lots of cake!



7、respect oneself is another year, still be familiar person, hope oneself meet person must lead.

8、at this moment, i have the deepest yearning, let cloud wisher to bless with full intention, embellish your sweet dream, wish you have a warm and romantic birthday!




12、happy birthday and have a good day!

13、希望以后的日子里,眼里都是阳光,笑里是坦荡,祝自己生日快乐.i hope that in the future, the eyes are full of sunshine, and the smile is calm. i wish you a happy birthday.

14、当然最后还要给自己送上祝福:祝我生日快乐! i hope our dreams come ture! i wish everyone happy!


16、only people who understand life, can enjoy flowers. only understand a loving person, then can grasp to heart. wish you a special birthday!

17、i wish you happiness, health and longevity in your old age! happy birthday!

18、send you two flowers, a rich flower, a casual flower, never worry about no money.

19、15岁的我,像一只破茧而出的燕尾蝴蝶,我要舞弄出我的魅力。i am 15 years old, like a swallowtail butterfly breaking out of a cocoon. i want to dance to make me charming.


21、birthday greetings to the apple of my eye。

22、对自己好一点,因为没人会把你当全世界。be kind to yourself, because no one will treat you as the whole world.

23、我的生日就是妈妈的受难日,二十年前的今天,妈妈您辛苦了。my birthday is my mother's good friday. twenty years ago today, you worked hard.

24、要长大,要乖,不负众望,祝自己生日快乐。to grow up, to be good, live up to expectations, i wish you a happy birthday.


26、please let me hug you and say "happy birthday to you" now.

27、卜 昰 我 找 卜 到 緈 諨、而 昰 卜 会 把 握 手 中 所 谓 悳 緈 諨 。

28、hoping all the best things will always come your way。

29、never let others celebrate their birthdays, just remember theirbirthdays.

30、happy birthday! may your day be as special as you are and may all your dreams come true.

31、happy birthday to me。一般祝福别人来说都是you,换成自己就变成对应的人称就是me。

32、今天是我生日,祝愿自己生日快乐,万事如意.today is my birthday. i wish you a happy birthday and all the best.

33、wish yourself a happy birthday today.

34、eighteen forever! in the future, we will get rid of poverty, single hair and happiness!


36、happy birthday and have a good day!

37、wish you a happy birthday every day, always happy. in the new year good emotions, good health, good career, for your friends are better!

38、我的生日就是妈妈的受难日,二十年前的今天,妈妈您辛苦了。my birthday is my mother's good friday. twenty years ago today, you worked hard.



41、mountain in the message is my beating heart, jumping character is my passionate love! the cheerful message sound? is my praise to you, of course!

42、look at life bravely; regretless care about true love, and i can give you a few minutes again, i wish a happy father forever!


44、sing "happy birthday to you, to you approached the song, i wish to share your happiness, then listen to that belongs to you soon.

45、i wish their birthday, every day, happy, happy life!

46、may every moment of today be full of sunshine and flowers bloom like sunshine!

47、wish you a longer stay at this station, and our friendship will last forever.

48、此时此刻,对自己说一声,生日快乐!at this moment, say to yourself, happy birthday!

49、i don't want to be proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in the new year. i want to fry, steam and fry everything!


51、当然最后还要给自己送上祝福:祝我生日快乐! i hope our dreams come ture! i wish everyone happy!


53、亲爱的自己,不要因为挫折,就忘了你说过的远方。dear myself, don't forget the distance you said because of setbacks.

54、may i come back from half my life as a teenager!

55、迟到的祝福!公主生日快乐丫![xx]岁~事业更上一层楼!打造不老神话! 越唱越美丽! 公主加油!


57、祝你生日快乐 with best wishes for a happy birthday. 最好的愿望是祝你生日快乐。


59、十七岁的时光,十七岁的我们,时光匆匆流去。seventeen year old time, seventeen year old us, time in a hurry.



62、i am looking forward to the surprise of the person who, i wish you a happy birthday 我期待给我惊喜的那个人出现,祝自己生日快乐

63、you show the warmth of your friendship in so many different ways

64、今天是我生日,我只收到了四句生日快乐,也许她们都忘记了。today is my birthday, i only received four sentences of happy birthday, maybe they all forgot.

65、let me join all your other friends in wishing you a happy specially belongs to you. take this chance to enjoy yourself in everything you do.

66、sms is my beating heart, jumping character is my passionate love! the cheerful message sound? is my wish for you, of course!

67、today is my birthday , happy birthday to myself . .

68、愿自己一生幸福,一生被爱,想要的拥有,得不到的都释怀。may you be happy all your life, be loved all your life, have what you want and let go of what you cant get.



71、wish you a happy birthday, a sweet dream, sweet and warm stay around!

72、happy birthday to you, i wish you a **ooth and profi***** year in . come on!

73、send you two flowers, a rich flower, a casual flower, never worry about no money.


75、恭喜我离“大人”的世界又进一步。congratulations on being further away from the adult world.

76、after today, we should be sober and self-motivated, calm and excellent, and wish ourselves a happy birthday.

77、十七岁的天空,五彩斑斓,缤纷殉烂。seventeen year old sky, colorful, colorful martyrdom.

78、i wish i could always have the original appearance, with the beloved, this life is clean and bright.


80、我的生日就是妈妈的受难日,二十年前的今天,妈妈您辛苦了。my birthday is my mother's good friday. twenty years ago today, you worked hard.

81、今天是我生日,我只收到了四句生日快乐,也许她们都忘记了。today is my birthday, i only received four sentences of happy birthday, maybe they all forgot.

82、30而立,不是终点,而是起点,通往未来的锦绣之路就在眼前,就在脚下。standing is not the end, but the starting point. the splendid road to the future is right in front of us and at our feet.


84、and prosperity with many returns of the day.

85、亲爱的自己,要快乐、要开朗、要坚韧、要温暖,这和性格无关。dear myself, to be happy, to be cheerful, to be tough, to be warm, it has nothing to do with character.

86、感谢我生命中出现的每一个人!我的生日,祝你们快乐!thank you for everyone in my life! happy birthday to you!

87、温暖而善良,自由且富余,生日快乐,祝我自己。warm and kind, free and abundant, happy birthday, i wish myself.

88、继续努力哈,希望我可以在未来等你的时候,可以笑得很灿烂.continue to work hard, hope i can wait for you in the future, can smile very brilliant.

89、in this special day, i want to say i'm glad time hasn't changed our friendship, happy birthday to you an endless enjoyment.


91、18岁的青春,18岁的记忆,18岁的辉煌。让我沉思,让我回味,让我黯然。18 years old youth, 18 years old memory, 18 years old brilliance. let me ponder, let me aftertaste, let me gloomy.

92、wish you a fool to have happiness, want to have, can not get all release.



95、years, for your added wrinkles and huafa and vicissitudes of life, also presents for your experiences and achievements and strong. at the moment, you just like a tree, flourish, lush, shaded friends, beautiful the earth! big brother, i wish you a happy birthday, young forever!

96、good luck. with the compliments of the season! 祝财运亨通. 愿节日的愉快伴你一生,向你致以新年的祝福. 请多保重!

97、pour out 365 days of affection and sincerely wish you "happy birthday"!

98、i wish you a happy birthday, always sunny and optimistic.

99、十七岁,像流淌的小河,奔流不息。seventeen years old, like a flowing river, keeps flowing.

100、send you a romantic blessing, wish you happiness forever! happy birthday!

101、告别前半生,开启全新的后半生.say goodbye to the first half of life and open a new second half.

102、wish you a fool to have happiness, want to have, can not get all release.

103、对过去的自己,遗憾的事情笑笑,今天停下来对自己说一声生日快乐.smile at the past self and regretful things. stop today and say happy birthday to yourself.

104、when my birthday is coming, i wish you a good afternoon in your career, lots of money, no hard work, as leisurely as a mouse, as romantic as music score, and happiness!


106、祝自己生日快乐,要做一个酷酷的小仙女,愿一切美好和温暖如约而至。i wish myself a happy birthday. i want to be a cool little fairy. i wish everything beautiful and warm as promised.

107、对过去的自己,遗憾的事情笑笑,今天停下来对自己说一声生日快乐.smile at the past self and regretful things. stop today and say happy birthday to yourself.

108、十七岁的天空,五彩斑斓,缤纷殉烂。seventeen year old sky, colorful, colorful martyrdom.

109、wishing you every blessing on this special occasion. congratulations! 在这个特别的日子,祝你们幸福!

110、30而立,不是终点,而是起点,通往未来的锦绣之路就在眼前,就在脚下。standing is not the end, but the starting point. the splendid road to the future is right in front of us and at our feet.

111、我不能选择哪最好的,是那最好的选择了我。祝自己生日快乐。i can't choose which is the best, the best chooses me. happy birthday to myself.

112、send you a birthday cake: the bottom layer is attached with a lifetime of peace, the middle is filled with blessings, the four sides are filled with auspicious wishes, the top is covered with sincere thoughts, and happiness forever. i wish you happiness! happy birthday!


114、would like a maple tree, stretch my pure shallow blue, in the morning breeze in the sunset burning my deep red is bright, for your birthday. i wish you a happy birthday!

115、愿以后的岁月依旧笑有阳光.may the years to come still smile with sunshine.

116、sms is my beating heart, jumping character is my passionate love! the cheerful message sound? is my wish for you, of course!

117、god used a pair of skillful hands to carve a beautiful picture frame. the magical flowers are blooming on the other side of time. every glass like blessing of the angel is my transparent heart praying for you. may you have a safe and healthy life and a happy birthday!


119、lucy: yes, i'd love to. thank you for asking me. happy birthday to you!



122、let me bless for you, let me laugh for you, because in your birthday today, my heart is with you the same jubilation, happy! i wish you a happy birthday!

123、15岁的我,像一只破茧而出的燕尾蝴蝶,我要舞弄出我的魅力。i am 15 years old, like a swallowtail butterfly breaking out of a cocoon. i want to dance to make me charming.


125、see you this year, see you next year. spring looks like a human face.

126、would like a maple tree, stretch my pure shallow blue, in the morning breeze in the sunset burning my deep red is bright, for your birthday. i wish you a happy birthday!

127、every year comes and goes, leaving a permanent happy memories. may today's moment is full of sunshine, as if the sun always shines!

128、我不能选择哪最好的,是那最好的选择了我。祝自己生日快乐。i can't choose which is the best, the best chooses me. happy birthday to myself.

129、wish you a happy birthday with all my love! when you need me i will by your side. i wish you a happy, love you more than a year a year!

130、我的生日,我希望天下人和我一样都有一个快乐的生日.my birthday, i hope people all over the world have a happy birthday like me.

131、that’s why i hope your birthday is the happiest of days.

132、you always smile, smile, you are a smiling flower, open in the four seasons, will never die. may your business show more to fill in a smile.

133、through the long years and count every piece of memories, please remember me, like i always think of you. happy new year, peace be to you, a dream come true!

134、made a love cake for you. i wish you a happy birthday!

135、does anyone have a birthday today? if not, i will!


137、may you have a safe journey, a wide bridge and a bright tunnel in the future.

138、i wish i could always be a child in the sunshine and an adult in the wind and rain!


140、since its your birthday, talk to yourself and let god listen.

141、"happy birthday to you, " she sang, swaying to her own chorus.

142、祝自己生日快乐,要做一个酷酷的小仙女,愿一切美好和温暖如约而至。i wish myself a happy birthday. i want to be a cool little fairy. i wish everything beautiful and warm as promised.

143、you build a warm world for us with love and wish you a happy birthday!

144、in your birthday this day, can't accompany in your side, can't give you my warm, can only leave my wish, wish you happy every day!

145、i wish myself a happy birthday and i'm sorry to let you have your birthday alone.


147、wish you a happy birthday, a sweet dream, sweet and warm stay around!


149、零点零分,自己唱着生日歌,感动的一塌糊涂。at zero o'clock, i sang my birthday song and was moved.

150、当然最后还要给自己送上祝福:祝我生日快乐! i hope our dreams come ture! i wish everyone happy!

151、我不能选择哪最好的,是那最好的选择了我。祝自己生日快乐。i can't choose which is the best, the best chooses me. happy birthday to myself.

152、year after year, sincere wishes to you, happy, happy! happy birthday! have a good mood every day!

153、the birthday girl guy, i wish you can get all hope, all dreams come true, all waiting can appear, all paying can cash.


155、感谢我生命中出现的每一个人!我的生日,祝你们快乐!thank you for everyone in my life! happy birthday to you!

156、shut the door, you of humor, spontaneous temperament. you are a trickle, moistens our hearts, dear happy birthday!

157、hope that in the days to come, most eyes and eyebrows will be gentle.



160、years old is like gold. years old is never going back. don't hesitate to start.


162、colorful flowers, not romantic poetry, no gifts, no exciting surprise, only gently wishes, wife, happy birthday to you!


164、今天你33岁了,请善待生活、爱惜自己,愿你的孤单择日而止.today you are 33 years old. please be kind to life and cherish yourself. may your loneliness end on a certain day.

165、today, flowers bloom for you and blessings come for you.




169、to bless with you, in your colorful life journey, and in your dream spring on the border. i wish you: happy happiness!

170、i wish their birthday, every day, happy, happy life!

171、要长大,要乖,不负众望,祝自己生日快乐。to grow up, to be good, live up to expectations, i wish you a happy birthday.

172、happy birthday to a wonderful person!


174、融不进去的圈子,就不要硬挤了吧,对自己好点,别让自己太难受了。if you can't get into the circle, don't squeeze. be nice to yourself and don't make yourself too uncomfortable.

175、time flies. in an instant, i'm years old.

176、may this day that's all your own hold happiness for you. and may the yearsahead be filled wish all the best things, too. happy birthday!

177、your happiness is our wish. happy birthday to you!

178、at the age of the moment of ignorance is the moment of best contact.


180、人生只有一次,要么成就,要么将就;要么将就,要么优秀。there is only one time in life, either to achieve, or to make do with, or to make do with, or to be excellent.

181、i wish myself a happy birthday!

182、i wish you a happy birthday。i wish you a happy birthday。

183、let the hand of friendship to hold more tightly, let linked heart by more close! my best friend, send you my sincere birthday wishes! happy birthday!

184、happy birthday to a person who is smart, good looking, and funny and remindsme a lot of myself.

185、外倾性格的人容易得到很多朋友,但真朋友总是很少的。内倾者孤 独,一旦获得朋友,往往是真的。 --周国平 《人与永恒》


187、congratulations on your birthday.may the coming year be filled with happiness and success.

188、in your birthday this day, i will happy notes as a gift to you, may you in the days, beautiful, happy every day, i sincerely wish you a happy birthday!





192、your holiday, and spring comes together, your efforts, for enterprise's tomorrow to write. on this beautiful day, our blessings and seasons warmth: happy birthday!


194、every ordinary day has a little happiness, wish yourself a happybirthday!

195、my birthday star, can i have a small gift.

196、may you dream of light, grow savagely and never hesitate in this life.

197、happy birthday, happy forever.


199、lucy: yes, i'd love to. thank you for asking me. happy birthday to you!


201、at the age of i have more tolerance, which makes me feel that life is full of sunshine.


203、happy birthday to me and those people who share the same birthday with me.

204、you have with painstaking care nurtures the flowers in bloom, you use efforts for the enterprise tributes, birthday, wishing the joy and happiness! lead birthday wishes messages

205、15岁的我,像一只破茧而出的燕尾蝴蝶,我要舞弄出我的魅力。i am 15 years old, like a swallowtail butterfly breaking out of a cocoon. i want to dance to make me charming.

206、(13) ——happy birthday to you. (祝你生日快乐。

207、温暖而善良,自由且富余,生日快乐,祝我自己。warm and kind, free and abundant, happy birthday, i wish myself.

208、happy birthday to an attractive, intellectual, sophisticated and all round splendid person

209、take a half a head of blessing of brick, shoot to the big head with you happiness, let you roll out of rich star, collapsed in a cake of joy. i wish you a happy birthday.


211、零点零分,自己唱着生日歌,感动的一塌糊涂。at zero o'clock, i sang my birthday song and was moved.



214、你要有自己的光,要为了自己走下去,无论别人鼓掌或不鼓掌.you have to have your own light and go on for yourself, whether others applaud or not.

215、today is your birthday, i never forget in this special day wish you happy birthday, more beautiful youth resides.

216、恭喜我离“大人”的世界又进一步。congratulations on being further away from the adult world.


218、this day, for? your birthday and beautiful and moving, our mood, for your birthday. it and rejoice cones sincerely wish you a happy birthday, all the best!

219、the sea is full of water, the spider is full of legs, the pepper is so spicy, i do notregret giving birth to you. happy birthday to my dear children, happy every day!

220、on your birthday, give you happy notes as gifts.

221、(7)祝我自己生日快乐?wish myself a happy birthday ; i wish a happy birthday


223、亲爱的自己,要快乐、要开朗、要坚韧、要温暖,这和性格无关。dear myself, to be happy, to be cheerful, to be tough, to be warm, it has nothing to do with character.

224、happy birthday to a person who is smart, good looking, and funny and remindsme a lot of myself.

225、send you 365 circles, wish you happy every day; send you 24 circles, wish you happy every day, send you 60 threads, wish you beautiful life. send you a bowl of longevity noodles, wish you smile forever, happy birthday!


227、is the pronoun of youth, and is also the road to adulthood.

228、in a good day, hold on to your happiness. happy birthday to you.

229、think about every day in your side, don't miss you, also need not sourly love you, love you just sweet! my baby, happy birthday!


231、this day, for? your birthday and beautiful and moving, our mood, for your birthday. it and rejoice cones sincerely wish you a happy birthday, all the best!


233、when everything can't go back to the past, we can only look forward, go forward, and be good to ourselves.

234、i really want to turn into a wisp of breeze, quietly come to your side, gently stir your long hair like waterfall, sing a happy birthday for you!

235、through the long years and count every piece of memories, please remember me, like i always think of you. happy new year, peace be to you, a dream come true!

236、我的生日,我希望天下人和我一样都有一个快乐的生日.my birthday, i hope people all over the world have a happy birthday like me.

237、just "happy birthday", dad, isn’t much to say, yet in this special message meant for you this special day are many very loving thoughts and warmest wishes, too, for happiness on your birthday and always, all year through.

238、years old, what a beautiful and holy word.

239、花谢花飞、不共彩云追、徒留佳人 、帐前描眉、恋恋红尘、长歌一曲为谁 ?

240、take a half a head of blessing of brick, shoot to the big head with you happiness, let you roll out of rich star, collapsed in a cake of joy. i wish you a happy birthday.

241、lucy: yes, i'd love to. thank you for asking me. happy birthday to you!



244、to wish you a happy birthday song to near you, to express my supplication, share your happiness, to listen to that belongs to the youth of your reply.

245、pick a star, a cloud, load envelope of missing, dedicated to the husband you - the best day in a year.



248、wishing you a day that’s as wonderful as you are. happy birthday!

249、may my birthday be filled with green fantasy and golden dream.

250、although can't accompany you spend this special day, but my wish is still on time: in your colorful life journey, come! happy birthday!





255、亲爱的自己,要快乐、要开朗、要坚韧、要温暖,这和性格无关。dear myself, to be happy, to be cheerful, to be tough, to be warm, it has nothing to do with character.


257、if there is a friend in the world, it is a friend who cares as much as you do to me. my best friend, happy birthday, good luck, good health and happy new year!

258、你要有自己的光,要为了自己走下去,无论别人鼓掌或不鼓掌.you have to have your own light and go on for yourself, whether others applaud or not.

259、in this special day, i want to say i'm glad time hasn't changed our friendship, happy birthday to you an endless enjoyment.

260、恭喜我离“大人”的世界又进一步。congratulations on being further away from the adult world.

261、" 我会停止这一段爱、微笑面对美好的未来。


263、happy birthday, dear miranda. happy birthday to you.

264、十七岁的时光,十七岁的我们,时光匆匆流去。seventeen year old time, seventeen year old us, time in a hurry.

265、special love, give special you, let my blessing wrapped around you like sunshine, sincerely wish health and happiness accompany you forever, happy birthday!

266、your smile was so stubbornly monopoly my every dream. i hope that my this birthday wishes can possess all day you want to me!!!!!!!

267、being means that i'm going to start a day.

268、today i see special concern. my friend just said happy birthday to me, and more than 50 people said happy birthday to her. i also look at my own. i love that grass!

269、only people who understand life, can enjoy flowers. only understand a loving person, then can grasp to heart. wish you a special birthday!

270、亲爱的自己,不要因为挫折,就忘了你说过的远方。dear myself, don't forget the distance you said because of setbacks.


272、may the people i miss say good night to me and not be alone in the days of solitude.

273、to wish you a happy birthday song to near you, to express my supplication, share your happiness, to listen to that belongs to the youth of your reply.

274、my tongue will tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart concealing it will break。



277、if the life of the scenery there are countless, may happiness life spans the top; if the emotion course long and long, may the joy in the most leading front. ? your birthday, with our blessing companions %!


279、your holiday, and spring comes together, your efforts, for enterprise's tomorrow to write. on this beautiful day, our blessings and seasons warmth: happy birthday!

280、among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called "a special friend" and that’s how i think of you.

281、at this moment, i have the deepest yearning, let cloud wisher to bless with full intention, embellish your sweet dream, wish you have a warm and romantic birthday!

282、此时此刻,对自己说一声,生日快乐!at this moment, say to yourself, happy birthday!

283、will be happy note, as a gift to you, wish you have a beautiful day, sincerely wish you a happy birthday!


285、will be happy note, as a gift to you, wish you have a beautiful day, sincerely wish you a happy birthday!

286、十七岁的花季,就让青春这个名字响彻我们的生命吧。seventeen year old flower season, let the name of youth ring through our lives.



288、today is your birthday, i will never forget not to drop a day. may god bless you a happy life in peace, healthy and happiness! my love.

289、please let me hug you and say "happy birthday to you" now.

290、moon and rotary wing, feeling bitter accompanied by sincere long, whether you are in faraway places, i will always remember this day. i wish you a happy birthday!

291、i wish their birthday, every day, happy, happy life!


293、冬天来到,化为漫天的雪片,变成潺潺的清泉,带着我的思念,流入你的心田~寒冷的季节带着伤感的气息,温暖的问候透着无限的情意:天气凉了,注意身体。 亲爱的,生日快乐!


295、birthday greetings to the apple of my eye。


297、really want to turn into a wisp of cool breeze, quietly come to your side, your hair gently stirring, such as organ that sing a song for you a happy birthday.


299、in this special day, we put the sincerest wishes for? you, although just a wisp of spring breeze, bring? you are the whole spring. happy birthday!

300、人生只有一次,要么成就,要么将就;要么将就,要么优秀。there is only one time in life, either to achieve, or to make do with, or to make do with, or to be excellent.



303、in this beautiful day, may all the flowers bloom for you, all the clouds float for you, and all the breeze pray for you! friends, at this moment, just want to wish you a happy birthday! safe life!

304、坐着笑,躺着笑,呲牙咧嘴笑一笑;有事笑,没事笑,快乐幸福笑一笑;我也笑,你也笑,短信祝福我带到;愿你开开心心天天笑! 生日快乐!

305、happy birthday to myself! i hope that no matter what happens, i will face it very well!

306、in this special day, i want to say i'm glad time hasn't changed our friendship, happy birthday to you an endless enjoyment.

307、18岁的青春,18岁的记忆,18岁的辉煌。让我沉思,让我回味,让我黯然。18 years old youth, 18 years old memory, 18 years old brilliance. let me ponder, let me aftertaste, let me gloomy.

308、today, remember. happy birthday, i said to myself.

309、the sun sky, bird chorus. together the blessing, birthday to you. happiness, no worries. healthy, happy, happy every day. the husband i wish you a happy birthday!

310、my heartiest birthday greetings to you,a feeling much warmer than anybody can know.best wishes for everything your heart desire in the year.


312、happy birthday to me。一般祝福别人来说都是you,换成自己就变成对应的人称就是me。

313、你 拥 抱 她 的 一 瞬 间 , 我 在 想 有 没 有 那 么 一 秒 钟 你 是 爱 我 的~~


315、on your h birthday, may peace, joy and fulfillment be yours.

316、today is a wonderful world, today you have a more splendid stars you more today, because you are more warm today, because human happiness! i think you more

317、busy collecting bees, no time to talk in front of people. happy birthday to myself!

318、send you two flowers, a rich flower, a casual flower, never worry about no money.

319、give you the sun plating on mature, yuet add your charm, birthday, let friends blessing converge to you the source of happiness, we would like to wish you a happy life.


321、(4)明天、祝我生日快乐?tomorrow, wish me a happy birthday ; tomorrows my happy birthday

322、wish you peace of mind and love. wish your world is full of happiness. wish you all the best and happiness!

323、happy birthday to my husband! for all you do the whole year through.

324、today is your birthday, i will never forget not to drop a day. may god bless you a happy life in peace, healthy and happiness! my love.

325、best wish for you birthday may you lifelong prosperously.


327、may your birthday be filled with boundless joy, may your memories today be warm ones. may you all sweet dreams, may you contentment this year!

328、think you the most touching, no matter how far apart we are, how bumpy the road ahead, just want to say: you is i this life the biggest happiness. the wife i wish you a happy birthday.


330、your birthday is accompanied by our blessing. 这是时间的轮回,希望你的人生无怨无悔,这是四季的交换,祝福你的人生永远灿烂,这是真心的祈祷,祝福朋友生日快乐,心想事成。



333、today, flowers bloom for you and blessings come for you.

334、the kindest friend there could ever be the that is like the kind of friend you are to me. i wish a happy birthday, my friend, good luck, good health, happy new year!

335、at noon with my little sister, she gave me some gifts. in fact, she did not know that this day was my birthday, but i was happy and grateful in my heart!


337、mountain in the message is my beating heart, jumping character is my passionate love! the cheerful message sound? is my praise to you, of course!

338、dear oneself must have a happy life, happy!

339、everything goes well, happiness is long company; longevity is higher than the sky, happiness is deeper than the sea.

340、融不进去的圈子,就不要硬挤了吧,对自己好点,别让自己太难受了。if you can't get into the circle, don't squeeze. be nice to yourself and don't make yourself too uncomfortable.

341、when you need real understanding, when you need someone to care, when you need someone to guide you···

342、除夕又长一岁,愿每一岁都奔走在热爱里.new years eve is another year long. i wish every year to be in love.


344、愿以后的岁月依旧笑有阳光.may the years to come still smile with sunshine.

345、十七岁的花季,就让青春这个名字响彻我们的生命吧。seventeen year old flower season, let the name of youth ring through our lives.


347、温暖而善良,自由且富余,生日快乐,祝我自己。warm and kind, free and abundant, happy birthday, i wish myself.

348、i wish i could be treated gently by the years.

349、the birthday candle flickered one season, every one flowers are our warm and pious wishes: happy birthday, happy!

350、十七岁的时光,十七岁的我们,时光匆匆流去。seventeen year old time, seventeen year old us, time in a hurry.

351、十七岁,像流淌的小河,奔流不息。seventeen years old, like a flowing river, keeps flowing.