1.翻译英文句子,并写出出处 急求谢谢

2.翻译4个英语句子,用中文翻译,用英文paraphrase (类似写英文同义句,使句子更简单更通俗)





①Why did you buy a spade?翻译:你买铁锨干什么?

②Why didn't you go there?翻译:你为什么没去那儿?

③Why spend such a lot of money?翻译:为什么要花这么多钱呢?




adv. 为什么

conj. ... 的理由;为什么

int. 咳;哎呀

n. 理由;谜


why do sth?


why not do sth?

? 为什么不做…?

the reason why …



①why作为疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句或省略的特殊疑问句,表示疑问,意思是“为什么”; 后面跟不带to的动词不定式,意思是“为什么要…”,表示某一动作是不必要的或无意义的。例如:

Why risk breaking the law?翻译:为什么冒犯法的危险呢?

I don't think that room is big enough.—Why not?翻译:我认为那个房间不够大。——为什么呢?


Why,that's John over there.翻译:噢,约翰在那儿呢。

Why,even a child knows that!翻译:哎呀!这连小孩子都知道。

翻译英文句子,并写出出处 急求谢谢



I find he is a careful student 结构:宾语从句 / 主 谓 宾


Simon is a hard-working student 结构: 主语+谓语+表语 / 主系表

翻译4个英语句子,用中文翻译,用英文paraphrase (类似写英文同义句,使句子更简单更通俗)

1 The quality of a life is determined by its activities.生命的质量决定于它的活动。——亚里士多德:《学》。

2 In the arena of human life the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action. -----Aristotle.在人类的竞技场上,荣誉和奖励都应该给予那些正真品质优秀的人。-------亚里士多德

3 Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation. -----Thomas Huxley.





第四句的temperamental 改好了。


1.The nation has entered a period in which many houses are distinguished less by their lingering similarities than by hoe, they diverge both from one another and from homes of the past.

Translation: 这个民族进入了这样一个时期,尽管很多房子有些许相似点,但也因为建造风格不同而各具特色;这些房子不仅各不相同,而且也都与过去的房子区别很大。

Paraphrase: Despite there are certain similarities among many of the nation’s houses, due to architectural style, they he their own particular features; they are not the same as each other or as those in the past.

2.Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts, the book of their deeds, the book of their words and the book of their art.

Translation: 伟大民族的自传分为三大篇章,实事篇、政策篇及文艺篇。

Paraphrase: When summarizing their histories, great nations should focus on three main aspects: what they do, what they say and what they reciate.

3. Unless the man exploits others, he has to work in order to live. However simple and primitive his production may be, he has risen above the animal kingdom; rightly has he been defined as “animal that produces”.

Translation: 人为了生存,如非剥削他人,就必须得工作。不管他生产的东西可能有多么简单多么落后,他都比动物高级;理所当然地,他被定义为“会生产的动物”。

Paraphrase: People he to work for a living. No matter how simple his production may be, he has been superior to animals; naturally, he has been called “animal that produces”.

4.The power to produce great art is very often, though by no means always, associated with temperamental unhiness, so great that but for the joy which the artist derives from his work, he would be driven to .

Translation: 创作出伟大艺术的动力,尽管绝对不能说总是,但也十有八九都与精神方面的痛苦有关;若非艺术家能从其工作中获得快乐,他会被这巨大的痛苦逼得想要自杀的。

Paraphrase: Great art is often produced when the artist is unhy. If the artist can not get any joy from his work, the great mental unhiness would make him want to kill himself.


1. 汤姆越是不想谈他的过去,简就越好奇。

2. 在一项艰巨的任务中,影响结果的是我们在开始时的态度,而非其他。

3. 宣布因地震而引起的海啸进入紧急状态。

4. 一如往常,他关上并锁上了身后的门。

5. 西班牙在欧洲是个相对较贫穷的国家。

6. 你能拿出实际行动改善当前形势,而不是总是怨天尤人。

7. "我不明白为什么我应该接受指责!"玛丽抱怨老板因窗户被打破而斥责她。

8. 重要的不是发生了什么事,而是你如何处理这件事。

9. 诸如在阳光下散步这样的小乐趣也可以对我们心情产生积极的影响。

10. 人类之所以独特,是因为他们拥有选择的能力。

11. 没有了空气,受害者停止了呼吸,失去了知觉,很快就死了。

12. 医生说如果约翰逊还想继续踢足球,那他必须接受手术。

1. 大多数人只想在能得到尊重的地方工作。这是底线。

2. 得益于爸爸的指导,我通过了驾照考试。

3. 新年伊始正是回顾过去一年所取得的成绩的好时机。

4. 大学毕业后他和简就失去了联系,他非常想见她。

5. 我不知道汤姆到底在想什么,但我可以确定的是他在努力保持微笑,毫无怨言地离开。

6. 波美尼亚先生的狗到哪里都跟着他,包括每天凌晨四点跟着他进厨房。

7. 看到事物积极的一面,正面评价自己,我们可以把事情做得更好,甚至于超出自己的想象。

8. 我半夜醒来,听到窗外有两个人的说话声。

9. 除非取措施,否则地球将继续升温。

10. 我不明白为什么你这么担忧——毕竟这不是你的错。

1 很多人心情很差时会吸烟,并且他们通过吸烟使自己减少压力,而且有些年轻人觉得自己吸烟的样子很酷。

Many people smoke because they were under stress and they can reduce their stress through smoking. Though young people smoke because they think smoking is cool.

2 不少穷困的家庭都支付不起高昂的房价,所以能够承受得起高房价的人变得少了很多。

Many families can't afford the high prices of housing, those who could afford them are getting less and less.


Global inflation has caused the prices continue to rise and many poor people's living conditions are getting worse and worse because of this continuingly rising prices in recent several decades.
