





1. 高中英语 作文,看图写作文

One day, Mary and Tom went to plant trees, they buried the saplings in the earth, watering it. After a month, they e to visit young trees, *** all trees grow taller, and after a month, they came to see the tree again, this time, the tree grew up, there are a lot of lees on stems. Later, fruit tree, Mary and Tom he grown up. They he their job。

2. 高中英语作文范文看图作文

Nowadays, a good mand of English and puter techniques is a must for us students. I think it quite important to learn English and puter well.

English is my fourite subject. As a result, I spend much spare time learning English. For instance, I always watch interesting English TV programmes on ICS. I also enjoy watching popular American TV series such as “Ugly Betty” and “Gossip Girl”. Expose yourself to English more, and you're sure to learn English better.

With the development of technology and society, we keep close contact with puter. As a mon tool, puters help us a lot in life; therefore puter lessons ear to be important. We learn several useful techniques in class, which are often used in practice.

All in all, puter and English are both worth our efforts. They are really useful. In my opinion, interests are the key to learning the subjects well. As a result, students must build or find interests in the subject. You are sure to learn well.

3. 高中英语 作文,看图写作文

One day, Mary and Tom went to plant trees, they buried the saplings in the earth, watering it. After a month, they e to visit young trees, *** all trees grow taller, and after a month, they came to see the tree again, this time, the tree grew up, there are a lot of lees on stems. Later, fruit tree, Mary and Tom he grown up. They he their job.。


Xiaoming failed in the exam , the teacher asked his father to sign on the examination paper. Xiaoming was afraid of his father*s physical punishment , so he thought a “good ”idea on the way go home.

When Xiaoming got home , he took the cloth to cover his eyes and practiced to sign on a paper . He asked his father to he a try by this way ,and pared with his . His father was takend in and began to “practice”. At the same time Xiaoming took his examination paper from the schoolbag very carefully in front of his father , his father signed on the paper but he didn*t know about this .

Finally ,Xiaoming pleted the “task” successfully .

5. 初中英语看图作文的注意事项

看图作文就是要求根据图画(或表格)的内容展开合理的想像,写出文章的一种写作方式.看图作文应做到以下几点: (1)认真读图,弄清大意:读图时要充分理解图画所表达的内容,弄清图中的人物在干什么,弄清图画背景与人物之间的联系,弄清事情发生的经过. (2) 理出要点,拟定提纲:读图之后,要根据图画表达的主要内容,理出表达的要点.列出要点时要注意分清主次,不能看到图中有什么就认为什么要写.看图作文时描述图画内容是不可取的,应充分展开想像使图画活起来.理出要点之后,就可以根据要点拟定提纲,即把整个图画中要表达的内容先用一句话写下来. (3) 紧扣要点,扩写成文.在列出要点后,依据已经写出来的话语扩写成一篇短文.扩写时,可运用想象适度发挥,紧扣图画的内容,进行适当叙述,连贯通顺即可. (4) 通读短文,修正错误.写好文章之后应通读全文进行检查.在检查时,应着重看短文是否扣住图画的内容,要点是否有遗漏.同时,还要注意有无语法错误,如时态、人称等,是否符合文体特点、格式等等.。

6. 看图,帮忙写一篇高中英语作文作为参考,并详细叙英语写作技巧


也就是说,尽量使用简短易懂的白话英语 (Plain English),写得愈白愈好,用字愈少愈妙,使别人可以一目了然,充分了解。这不但可节省「思索」时间,也可避免对方的误解。


1. 尤其在商业上,报章杂志或公文书信上,尽量不用难字 (big word) 或过时的字眼 (old-fashioned word); 例如:Many people feel that moral education is the infrastructure of higher learning. (许多人认为道德教育是高等知识的基础) (如果用 foundation 或 basis 代替 infrastructure 就更明白)Three hundred acres of land is the parameter of our university,s expansion (growth). (三百英亩的土地是本大学发展的限度) (如果用limit代替parameter,会更简单易懂。)This news has been disseminated all over the U.S. (这消息已散布到全美各地) (如果用spread取代disseminated,不更简单?) (动词时态是:spread, spread, spread)The president of this college is not diminutive in size. (这大学的校长个子不小) (如用 *** all代替diminutive,不更明白吗?)I he to elucidate this document to my staff. (我要向我的员工解释这份文件) (如用explain代替elucidate,也许更明白。)

Mr. A will endeor to be a physician. (A 先生想尝试当个医生) (如果用try代替endeor,会更浅白。) (endeour = endeor)We hope to visualize world peace in the future. (我们希望将来看到世界和平)(如果用see代替visualize,也许更简单!)The charitable anization solicits for our annual donation. (慈善机构要求颐且荒暌欢壤志?(如用 ask 代替 solicit,更浅白易懂。)

(solicitation是名词)We don't know what may transpire when we he a new boss. (当新老板来后,我们不知会有什么发生。) (如果用hen代替transpire,也许更明白。)

Please act as soon as possible on the aforementioned matter. (前面提过的事,请尽速办理。)(如果用 previous 代替古字 aforementioned 不是更明白?)这就像美国大文豪马克吐温 Mark Twain 也曾说过:「我不愿在字典里找长字或难字,我绝不用『metropolis』这个字,因为我同样可以用『city』这个字来代替」。

罗斯福总统为了强调美国 *** 不会遗忘那些穷人,在一篇讲词里用了这么一句:「We are endeoring to construct a more inclusive society.」后来被人批评咬文嚼字,卖弄文笔。如果用浅白易懂的字眼写成:「We are going to make this country in which no one is left out.」或「We are trying to make everyone equal.」也许更简单明白!2. 老外也主张不写噜苏或绚丽的字眼(flowery or wordy),句子应该越短越好,一句能用两个字,绝不多加一个。

例如:At this point in time, we should pull together for our goal. (现在我们应该为我们的目标团结一致)(如果说:Now, we should pull……更简单。因为 at this point in time = now)Despite the fact that my English is not very good, I am not discouraged. (虽然我的英语不好,但我不灰心。)

(如果说:Although my English is not…… 就更简短。因为despite the fact tha t= although = Though)I am of the opinion that Mr. Lee should resign from this position. (我想李先生应该辞职) (如说:I think Mr. Lee should……不是更简单吗?因为I am of the opinion = I think)He quitted the job due to the fact that he was sick. (他由于生病而辞职) (若说:He quitted the job because he was sick. 更简单。

因为 due to the fact that = because)In the majority of cases,he likes to ride bike to the office.(他通常喜欢骑单车到办公室) (如果说:Usually, he likes to ride…… 更简单。因为 in the majority of cases = usually)She shows a preference for tea rather than coffee. (她喜欢茶而不是咖啡) (若说:She prefers tea rather……更简短清楚,因为 show a preference for = prefer)I will bring the matter to the attention of Mr. Wang. (我要通知王先生)如果只说:I will tell Mr. Wang (about the matter). 不是更简单吗?因为 bring the matter to the attention of = tell = inform) (句子最后面:「about the matter」可以省去); 同理,也要避免意义的重复或用字的多余 (redundant); 例如:The consensus(of opinion)is that we he to act right away.(大家认为我们必须立即行动)(of opinion 可以省去,因为 consensus 的意思,就是大家的意见。)

The letter shows that the problem(continues to)remain unsolved.(他的信显示问题尚未解决)(continue to 是多余的字,因为 remain 已经有 continue 的含意。所以句子就成为:The letter shows that the problem remains unsolved.)He has made his (final) conclusion in his speech.(他在演说里做出结论) (final 是多余的字,因为 conclusion 已经含有 final 的意思。)

He has had 。

7. 看图写作文,下面有5张图,每图各写一篇100词英语作文(共5篇)

In spring, the weather changes a lot. In the morning, when I took bus to school, the weather was breezy and fortable. I thought it would be a great day. However, when I got to school, the sky turned to be gray with the gloomy clouds as well as thunder. After a little while, it started to rain heily. I was worried because I didn't take my umbrella. I was afraid that I can't go home after class. About thirty minutes later, the rain stopped and it was sunny before long. The air was so fresh and the sky was clear. This is spring。



教学目标; ?在愉悦的气氛中学习扩展英语句子,提高读写能力,建立良好的情感态度。

教学重点: 掌握扩展句子的四种方法。?

教学难点: V-ing短语、不定式短语和名词从句作主语、宾语、表语等。?

课题组织: 本课用小组合作学习与竞赛的方式进行。首先,全班分成两大组,每大组根据学生的自愿,按邻座就近原则,形成人数不等的若干小组,对课堂的问题进行讨论作答。答对者所在大组可得10分,如答错,本组其他成员可补充,同样得分。?

课前知识准备:同学们应了解句子的三种类型: 简单句,并列句和复合句。.应掌握简单句的5种

基本句型。1. 主语+谓语 2. 主语+谓语+宾语 3.主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 4.主语+谓语+宾语+宾补 ?5 主语+系动词+表语。应.熟悉名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句),定语从句(形容词性从句)和状语从句(副词性从句)


1. 复习 ?

提示: 5个意思相关联的简单句,可帮助记忆5个基本句型。?

①Mary was a girl. ②She smiled. ③Tom liked her. ④He ge her a picture.?

⑤She put the picture on the wall. ?

2. 练习 一.根据要求在空格处填上合适的修饰成分: ?提示:可试着写出一个与众不同的答案。?

Mary was a(n) ______________ girl. (形容词) 2. She smiled ___________________. (副词) 3. Tom liked her__________________. ?(副词) 4. He ge her a picture ________________. (定语从句) 5. She put the picture on the wall __________________ . (状语从句)?

3. 练习 二. 在空格处填上并列的成分。?

Mary was a beautiful and ①_______ girl. Tom and ②________ liked her very much. They soon became good friends. On Mary’s birthday, Tom ge her a picture and ③________________, She smiled hily,④_________ them and put the picture on the wall.?

探究:第④空,如果在以下单词got, get; receive, received; accepted, accept中选择,你选哪一个,

为什么? ?

4. 练习 三. 用并列连词 ?and, so, but, while, for(因为)等构成并列句。?

Jack was rich, ① ?he had his own company ② ? made a fortune, ③ ?he bought Mary a diamond ring, ④ ? neither Jack nor Tom knew what Mary thought. During that night before Mary’s birthday, Jack had a dream in which he asked Mary ?to marry him ⑤ ? Tom couldn’t get to sleep until he finished drawing the picture of Mary from his memory. ?

提示:for 和because都可作“因为”讲;但for是并列连词,because是从属连词。 ?

5. 练习 四. 找出下列一段话中的V-ing短语、不定式短语或名词性从句。?

After her birthday party, Mary couldn’t help looking at the picture now and then because in her eyes looking at herself in the picture was like looking at a superstar on the screen. To see is to believe. The picture proved that Tom had a talent for painting and her choosing him as her boy friend was a wise decision. ?

提示:①painting看上去是V-ing 形式,但它在这里是一个抽象名词。②V-ing短语和不定式短语也能扩展句子,是因为它们的动词可以带自己的宾语和其他修饰语等。句子To see is to believe.较短,是因为动词没有带自己的宾语和其他修饰语 ?

6.练习 五. 根据上下文填上合适的词。(综合运用所学知识)?

It was obvious ① Jack was unhy. ② ?made him angry was ③ the ?diamond ring he had bought for Mary’s ?birthday was ?refused by her. ④ ?he told Mary that not only he was more handsome ⑤ ?Tom,but also he had a car,a flat and more money, Mary said softly ⑥ ? firmly,“ I am very very sorry,Jack. You should know the fact ⑦ ?liking you does not mean loving you. To he money is not to he everything. ⑧ ?,we remain good friends as before. ” ?


1. 一个学生想把下列三个简单句连成一个句子,但又不改变原意,结果遇到了一点困难.请在以下空白处各填上一词,帮他解决问题。 三个简单句:Jack would never forget the party. At the party, he met Mary. He fell in love?

with her at the sight of her.?

句子1. Jack would never forget the party, ? he met Mary there _____fell in love?

with her at the sight of her.?

句子2. Jack would never forget the party he met Mary ?_he fell in love?

with at the sight of her.?

2. 有同学对Tom, Jack 和Mary 的故事产生了兴趣,续写了结局。你先看看,如不满意,也可自己试着用英文续写你认为理想的结局。?

Not until Mary told him about their relationship in person did Jack know she loved Tom instead of him. Jack’s heart bleeding, sleepless night as he spent, he was unable to find out what it was that made the charming girl called Mary love Tom, which was the same question that Tom asked Mary. ?

“It doesn’t matter what a man looks like and what he has now,” Mary kissed Tom and continued, but it does count whether he has a talent and what he is going to be.”


1. 怎么扩写作文



可以加入某个具体事例突出主题,还可以适当抒情,不要太多抒情一两句就够了。还可以加入些心理描写和一些细节描写,这样会显得文章更生动语言更优美,不过要简略得当,不要说些无关紧要的,显得很罗嗦。 我以前也是这样,不懂的扩写,现在读了六年级,渐渐的作文能力也越来越高,希望你也是这样。

2. 古诗词扩写为800字文章

九月九日忆山东兄弟(改写) 有一天上午,我孤独一人在他乡做客,人地生疏,感到寂寞。

每遇到佳节,我就更加地思念家中的亲人。 我在遥远的地方,想到哥哥、姐妹和弟弟一定登上每一座高山。


但我看见兄弟们都插着美丽的茱萸,站在高高的地方,就单单缺少了我一人,兄弟们都高高兴兴的登上了高处。 《赠汪伦》 这也是一篇: 春天的早晨,天空万里无云,蔚蓝如洗,我辞别了好友汪伦,登上将要远去的小船。




快点来,我们再握一次手,让我们再说几句知心话”。 船,扬帆起程了。

啊!朋友,亲爱的朋友,你在外边正对我招手,我也对你招手。啊,潭水虽有千尺之深,可哪能比得上您对我的情意深呢 补充 引发想象 巧妙指导——古诗扩写 中国素称诗国,古诗可说是我国文化历史长河中遗留下来的瑰宝。

它语言精炼概括,高度浓缩,内容却相当厚实: 天文地理,风土人情,无所不包。诵读积累古诗,不但可以发展学生的想象力、积淀学生语感,而且还能夯实学生的文化底蕴。


引发想象可按如下三方面进行: 一、挖掘空白之处想象 诗的艺术从某种程度上来说是空白的艺术:故事情节的空白、人物描写的空白、心理活动的空白、思想情感的空白、哲理上的空白等等。教师引导学生抓住和挖掘这些空白,根据诗的叙事表达、风景描写、情感抒发、哲理升华、综合包容这五个类别,让学生以类想象,于想象回味之中具体感知意象,激活学生思维、培养学生创造性、为扩写打下基础。

1.抓住“形象空白”想象 有的古诗并不铺排直叙,而通过勾勒或切中肯綮,追求诗外的意趣风貌。诗中所描绘的形象往往刻画不细,常带着某种朦胧性,留待于师生同去补充想象创造空灵丰富的艺术境界。



2.紧扣“情感空白”想象 “情动则辞发”。古诗扩写教学中,教师应重在展示意境,使读者与诗人感同身受。


春绿江南的景象到底怎样? 春意盎然,本是赏心悦目之事,诗人又怎会流露出何时还乡的忧郁?他当时心理活动怎样?形象怎样?通过对“空白”的想象,师生共同把诗人担心变法失败、前程难卜的抑郁情绪和思乡情怀描绘出来了。 3.围绕“哲理空白”想象 古诗中的哲理,往往寓于形象之中,其“空白”地带更广。



二、借助电教媒体想象 “理之在诗,如水中盐,花中蜜,体匿性存,元痕有味。对于出涉人生、缺乏生活经验和文学理解能力的小学生来说,要于“体匿”“元痕”之中体会“性”“味”,确实不是一件容易的事。


1、创设诗境,激趣想象 古诗是很讲究意境的,在古诗扩写教学中教师应把着眼点放在创设情景上,让学生通过情境的具体感知,体会诗人的情感。多媒体具有形声交融、动静交错、感染力强的特点,利用多媒体进行教学,把文字变成图象,把抽象变成形象,既。

3. 如何写好英语作文的主题句和拓展句

主题句(Topic sentence)主题句是表达段落主题的句子。







4. 如何扩写作文




5. 怎样扩写文章





例如扩写《螳螂捕蝉》,可以细致描写螳螂捕蝉的详细过程,将动物拟人化,将其动作生动化。关键要写好螳螂的心理描写,写好了文章就能出彩,也深化了文章主题。 扩写需要拓展想象,要善于纵横开掘,扩充容量,而小学生作文通病之一是思路不开阔、方法单一,往往从一个方向、一个角度、一个层次、三言两话说完了。因此,扩写就要在理清思路、展开描写上下功夫。 (1)读懂原文,确定中心思想 扩写不能离开题意和原文的主要内容及中心思想,重砌炉灶。因此、要指导学生认真分析题目的要求和所提供的材料:是记人叙事.还是写景状物。在理清基本要素和主要内容的基础上抓准材料的中心思想,并把它作为扩写文的中心思想。 (2)划分原文层次,确定扩写重点 不管是扩段还是扩篇。都要按一定的顺序划分层次,作为扩写的段落基础,注意重点层次。使学生明白扩写并非原文处处都要扩写,而是要根据中心内容确定扩写重点。 例如星期天,小明到新华书店去买《现代汉语词典》。可是,不巧,书刚买完,小明心里很着急。营业员刘阿姨让小明留下地址,说到仓库里去找找看,有的话就通知小明。 晚上,下起大雨来。刘阿姨把一本《现代汉语词典》送到小明家里,小明十分感动。 达段材料有两件关联的事:一是小明去书店买书,二是刘阿姨来送书,而本文主要是表扬刘阿姨不辞辛苦,一心为读者服务的优秀品质。因此,扩写的重点应该是“刘阿姨冒雨送书”。 (3)展开想象,学会描述 确定了原文的中心,层次和扩写点后,就展开想象。一般供扩写的材料比较概括,要启发学生以原文中心思想为基础,把自己日常的见闻思感融汇到扩写的内容里,根据自己的生活经验去联想有关的情节或细节。扩写时,可指导学生抓住关键词和重点句子,用分解或提问的方法展开叙述或描写。写事情要充分展开主要情节,写出前因后果和发展变化;写人物要通过人物外貌、神态、语言、动作、心理的刻画,表现人物的性格特点;写景物要抓住景物的形、态、色、声去进行细致描绘、展现物的特征。


1. 高中英语 作文,看图写作文

One day, Mary and Tom went to plant trees, they buried the saplings in the earth, watering it. After a month, they e to visit young trees, *** all trees grow taller, and after a month, they came to see the tree again, this time, the tree grew up, there are a lot of lees on stems. Later, fruit tree, Mary and Tom he grown up. They he their job。

2. 高中英语 作文,看图写作文

One day, Mary and Tom went to plant trees, they buried the saplings in the earth, watering it. After a month, they e to visit young trees, *** all trees grow taller, and after a month, they came to see the tree again, this time, the tree grew up, there are a lot of lees on stems. Later, fruit tree, Mary and Tom he grown up. They he their job.。

3. 高中英语作文范文看图作文

I always watch interesting English TV programmes on ICS. I also enjoy watching popular American TV series such as “Ugly Betty” and “Gossip Girl”.

All in all, puter and English are both worth our efforts, I spend much spare time learning English, which are often used in practice. In my opinion, interests are the key to learning the subjects wellNowadays.

English is my fourite subject. As a result. Expose yourself to English more, and you're sure to learn English better, we keep close contact with puter. As a mon tool, puters help us a lot in life. For instance.

With the development of technology and society, a good mand of English and puter techniques is a must for us students. I think it quite important to learn English and puter well. They are really useful; therefore puter lessons ear to be important. We learn several useful techniques in class

4. 写英语看图作文,表示方向的一系列用词,不要难词复杂词,高中程

我按我学过的写了一些,给你看看吧:1、1)in the middle of 在中间;在中央 ; 在中央centrally ;in 如,她住在中央公园附近的一家小旅馆:She stay in a *** all hotel near Central park.2)在左边 on the left side on the left to the left在…左边 on the left of; 在你左边、右边 on your left/right 3)on the right 在右边 on the right side 在右边 rechts 在右边在…右边 on the right of toi the right (如,顺着这个通道直走,在右边.Down this aisle,to your right)在你右边 on you right; 4)over 悬空的浮在上边 on 接触的在上边 above 垂直(悬空)的在上边 。

5)below 下面at the bottom 下面underside下面;内面;下侧6)opposite to 在对面 in the opposite over there 在那边;在对面across横过;在对面 ross the way 在对面7)next to 在旁边 aside 在旁边alongside在旁边;沿着边;和;在一起 alongside of 2、1)Ability to work self responsible.有责任心;Showing sense of responsibility 有责任心Accountability/有责任心 Responsible有责任心conscientious; conscientious/responsible; conscientiously; 2)勇敢的 Rita; bre; mutig adj.; bre adj.; 3)consistent a 坚持的;一致的 /importunate /insistent/persistent 坚持的4)honest 诚实的sincere truthful veracious guileless 5)乐观的 optimistic hopeful upbeat sanguine affirmative 6)诚实的 honest sincere truthful veracious guileless 7)全心投入 put one's heart intoput one's heart into8)innovation creationbreak new groundinnovative( 勇于实践,大胆创新.Be bold in putting things into practice and blazing new trails)9)坚持 insist stick to persist in adhere to persevere in10)循规蹈矩的 hew to the line虽然他是一个刻板的循规蹈矩的人,并且具有很大的摇摆性,但除了他的一个孩子外,其余的都敬重他.Though he was a rigid disciplinarian with a hey swing to his boot,all but one of his children adored him.。

5. 2014年高考英语作文范文150词 看图写作文

词典小生·英语行· 2014 高考英语各地作文及范文 1 新课标 I 定你是李华, 暑间去英国学习英语, 为期六周。

下面的广告引起了你的注意, 请给 该校写封信,询问有关情况(箭头所指内容) 注意: 1 .词数 100 左右; 2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3 .参考词汇:住宿 -acmodation 范文: Dear Sir/Madam, I am a student in China and I plan to go to Britain to attend a summer school during The vacation. I've seen your ad, and I'd like to know something more about your six -weekEnglish course. First, when will the course start and how many class hours are there Per week? Besides, wish there would not be too many student in a class, 'd also like t o knowHow much I he to pay for the course and whether acmodation is included. Would There be host family or university dormitory? I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Li Hua 新课标 II 一家英语报社向中学生征文, 主题是 “十年后的我” 、请根据下列要求和你的想象完成短文、1 、家庭 2 、工作 3 、业余生活 注意: 1 、次数 100 左右; 2 、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语已为你写好 I often imagine what my life will be like in the future. 范文: I often imagine what my life will be like in the future. I think my life will be very different in ten years. I will be enty-eight years old by then. I will he my own family. Probably with a 词典小生·英语行· 2014 高考英语各地作文及范文 2 lovely child. I hope I will work in a puter pany as a program designer. I will enjoy my work and get along well with my colleagues, I will do a good job in whatever I do. In my free time, I will continue to take regular exercise, such as swimming, running and various ball games. On my holidays, I will trel around the world. In a word, my life will be much richer and more colorful. 安徽卷 为了帮助中学生健康成长,某中学英文报开辟了 HEART-TO-HEART 专栏。

设你是该栏目的 编辑 Jamie ,收到一封署名为 Worried 的求助信。信中该同学向你诉说了你自己的困扰;近 日容易发脾气,使正常的学习和生活受到了影响。

请用英文给该同学写一封回信。 内容要点如下: 1. 表示理解并给予安慰; 2. 提出建议并说明理由。

注意: 1. 词数 120 左右; 2. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 3. 信的开头与结尾已为你拟好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇: temper n. 脾气,情绪 Hi Worried, I' m sorry to know that you ' re hing such a bad time at the moment. _________________________________________________ Yours, Jamie 范文: Hi Worried, I' m sorry to know that you ' re hing such a bad time at the moment. The truth is everyone will he one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, so you don't he to worry so much. The important thing is to learn to control your temper so that you may not do or say anything you ' ll regret. Here are three useful tips: First, talk to someone you trust about how you feel. This is a good way of letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself. Second, go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physical exercise is an effective way to get rid of anger. And third, remain optimistic about your future. Such a positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits. I hope you ' ll soon feel calmer and carry on as normal. Yours, Jamie 北京卷 第一节 (15 分 ) 你给英国朋友 Chris 写一封信,内容包括: 1. 你们原 7 月份一同去云南旅游; 2. 由于脚部受伤,你无法按原前往; 3. 表达你的歉意并建议将旅行推迟到 8 月份。

注意: 1. 词数不少于 50. 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 词典小生·英语行· 2014 高考英语各地作文及范文 3 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Chris, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Joe 第二节( 20 分) 设你是红星中学高三( 1 )班的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,用校刊“英语 园地”写一篇短文,记述你和同学们向学校提建议,解决自行车存放问题的过程。 注意: 1. 词数不少于 60. 2. 短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

There was a problem with the parking place for bikes in our school. 范文: 第一节 Dear Chris, How is everything going? I remember we planned to visit Yunnan in July but now because my left foot was injured, I cannot go with you as planned. I ' m sorry about it. Can I suggest that we put it off until early august? I wish you could understand. I' m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours, Joe 第二节 There was a problem with the 。

6. 求英语作文

There are a lot of storys about exams ,But I won't fet that final exam , it is the most unfetable.

Before the exam ,I reviewed the lessons simply , although other clas *** ates reviewed the lessons again and again .I thought that I remembered all the importances .I got too confident and relax myself .But I felt that I could give the best performance . When We began to examine ,I got really surprised .There were many questions that I could not answer . So I got a bad result .

From then on ,I regard it as experience . It tells me that never be careless and too confident

7. 看图,帮忙写一篇高中英语作文作为参考,并详细叙英语写作技巧


也就是说,尽量使用简短易懂的白话英语 (Plain English),写得愈白愈好,用字愈少愈妙,使别人可以一目了然,充分了解。这不但可节省「思索」时间,也可避免对方的误解。


1. 尤其在商业上,报章杂志或公文书信上,尽量不用难字 (big word) 或过时的字眼 (old-fashioned word); 例如:Many people feel that moral education is the infrastructure of higher learning. (许多人认为道德教育是高等知识的基础) (如果用 foundation 或 basis 代替 infrastructure 就更明白)Three hundred acres of land is the parameter of our university,s expansion (growth). (三百英亩的土地是本大学发展的限度) (如果用limit代替parameter,会更简单易懂。)This news has been disseminated all over the U.S. (这消息已散布到全美各地) (如果用spread取代disseminated,不更简单?) (动词时态是:spread, spread, spread)The president of this college is not diminutive in size. (这大学的校长个子不小) (如用 *** all代替diminutive,不更明白吗?)I he to elucidate this document to my staff. (我要向我的员工解释这份文件) (如用explain代替elucidate,也许更明白。)

Mr. A will endeor to be a physician. (A 先生想尝试当个医生) (如果用try代替endeor,会更浅白。) (endeour = endeor)We hope to visualize world peace in the future. (我们希望将来看到世界和平)(如果用see代替visualize,也许更简单!)The charitable anization solicits for our annual donation. (慈善机构要求颐且荒暌欢壤志?(如用 ask 代替 solicit,更浅白易懂。)

(solicitation是名词)We don't know what may transpire when we he a new boss. (当新老板来后,我们不知会有什么发生。) (如果用hen代替transpire,也许更明白。)

Please act as soon as possible on the aforementioned matter. (前面提过的事,请尽速办理。)(如果用 previous 代替古字 aforementioned 不是更明白?)这就像美国大文豪马克吐温 Mark Twain 也曾说过:「我不愿在字典里找长字或难字,我绝不用『metropolis』这个字,因为我同样可以用『city』这个字来代替」。

罗斯福总统为了强调美国 *** 不会遗忘那些穷人,在一篇讲词里用了这么一句:「We are endeoring to construct a more inclusive society.」后来被人批评咬文嚼字,卖弄文笔。如果用浅白易懂的字眼写成:「We are going to make this country in which no one is left out.」或「We are trying to make everyone equal.」也许更简单明白!2. 老外也主张不写噜苏或绚丽的字眼(flowery or wordy),句子应该越短越好,一句能用两个字,绝不多加一个。

例如:At this point in time, we should pull together for our goal. (现在我们应该为我们的目标团结一致)(如果说:Now, we should pull……更简单。因为 at this point in time = now)Despite the fact that my English is not very good, I am not discouraged. (虽然我的英语不好,但我不灰心。)

(如果说:Although my English is not…… 就更简短。因为despite the fact tha t= although = Though)I am of the opinion that Mr. Lee should resign from this position. (我想李先生应该辞职) (如说:I think Mr. Lee should……不是更简单吗?因为I am of the opinion = I think)He quitted the job due to the fact that he was sick. (他由于生病而辞职) (若说:He quitted the job because he was sick. 更简单。

因为 due to the fact that = because)In the majority of cases,he likes to ride bike to the office.(他通常喜欢骑单车到办公室) (如果说:Usually, he likes to ride…… 更简单。因为 in the majority of cases = usually)She shows a preference for tea rather than coffee. (她喜欢茶而不是咖啡) (若说:She prefers tea rather……更简短清楚,因为 show a preference for = prefer)I will bring the matter to the attention of Mr. Wang. (我要通知王先生)如果只说:I will tell Mr. Wang (about the matter). 不是更简单吗?因为 bring the matter to the attention of = tell = inform) (句子最后面:「about the matter」可以省去); 同理,也要避免意义的重复或用字的多余 (redundant); 例如:The consensus(of opinion)is that we he to act right away.(大家认为我们必须立即行动)(of opinion 可以省去,因为 consensus 的意思,就是大家的意见。)

The letter shows that the problem(continues to)remain unsolved.(他的信显示问题尚未解决)(continue to 是多余的字,因为 remain 已经有 continue 的含意。所以句子就成为:The letter shows that the problem remains unsolved.)He has made his (final) conclusion in his speech.(他在演说里做出结论) (final 是多余的字,因为 conclusion 已经含有 final 的意思。)

He has had 。

8. 初中英语看图作文的注意事项

看图作文就是要求根据图画(或表格)的内容展开合理的想像,写出文章的一种写作方式.看图作文应做到以下几点: (1)认真读图,弄清大意:读图时要充分理解图画所表达的内容,弄清图中的人物在干什么,弄清图画背景与人物之间的联系,弄清事情发生的经过. (2) 理出要点,拟定提纲:读图之后,要根据图画表达的主要内容,理出表达的要点.列出要点时要注意分清主次,不能看到图中有什么就认为什么要写.看图作文时描述图画内容是不可取的,应充分展开想像使图画活起来.理出要点之后,就可以根据要点拟定提纲,即把整个图画中要表达的内容先用一句话写下来. (3) 紧扣要点,扩写成文.在列出要点后,依据已经写出来的话语扩写成一篇短文.扩写时,可运用想象适度发挥,紧扣图画的内容,进行适当叙述,连贯通顺即可. (4) 通读短文,修正错误.写好文章之后应通读全文进行检查.在检查时,应着重看短文是否扣住图画的内容,要点是否有遗漏.同时,还要注意有无语法错误,如时态、人称等,是否符合文体特点、格式等等.。


1. 蒲公英用英语简写怎么写



原句:蒲公英翻译: dandelion;taraxacum;mongolian dandelion herb蒲公英甾醇Taraxasterol;Trxsterol;taraxjust asterol食用蒲公英Autumn Hawkbit;Autumn Hawktrifle;autumn hawkminor;Autumn Hawktid biualt蒲公英根Dandelion Root;Taraxacum root;radix taraxaci;Teraxaci radix东北蒲公英Taraxacum Kitam;Taraxacum ohwianum Kitam蒲公英叶Dandelion leaf;dandelion greens;Dandelion Lees药用蒲公英Taraxacum officinale;dandelion蒲公英烷taraxerane;Ternane蒲公英素taraxacin;taraxo- cerin台湾蒲公英Taraxacum formosanumDandelion Family蒲公英家族blue dandelion欧洲菊苣;野生苦苣;野生菊苣;出版者Dandelion Agreement蒲公英的约定Common Dandelion蒲公英;食用蒲公英Dandelion Seat蒲公英座Desert Dandelion沙漠蒲公英Dandelion I药蒲公英我Fall Dandelion秋蒲公英dandelion dreams蒲公英之梦百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

2. 扩充句子“草地上长满了蒲公英”





























13 lesson50The World's










1. 我想学好英语的作文

According to the natural laws of learning language, learning English will first listen to, say, to read, and then only to write, don't understand English students is impossible to read good English or written English. That is to say first learn "listening, speaking >" language "and in" text ", also is the study of grammar. Our previous study, Taiwanese language is the principle of this nature, Americans are learning English or Japanese is also not fool enough to go to grammar school, if the first study of the "grammar" in the future when you want to speak, will want to grammar, it can not speak fluent statement. Ask: you in Taiwanese or Mandarin said "my mouth very thirsty, want to drink a can of Coca Cola", you will not want to Grammar: I > subject, > noun thirsty > adjectives, drink verb >, cola > nouns. I don't believe that. Why is it? Because our ears he formed the correct grammatical habit. Therefore in learning English, we should first to train yourself to listen to, the correct habit of English pronunciation and colloquial and try to imitate, and don't be afraid, to dare to speak, is the most important to in learning "read and write" is secondly, that is to say, the first English pronunciations and tones as a kind of habit formation, and then bined with the second stage "sound and thought," powerful bination, so they he a gut reaction. This is in line with the learning of human language environment of the o principles, said the "first language text" of the concept is that must be established, so learn language can get ice the result with half the effort. When we develop the correct usage of grammar habits, we must pay more attention to one thing: when we speak English, always first to the Chinese and then translated into English, but we understand the meaning of this, in the mind just a deep impression on the Chinese, and English itself, the impression is unclear. In fact only in we pletely out of the Chinese, let yourself into thinking in English a prehensive environment, the ideal mind is the English vocabulary and structure, and will be very natural to find and match the correct English. When you are familiar with the syntax used, and can think in English, also need to "actual practice" to help you to practice makes perfect realm! First (a) intensive listening to tapes - > to see Textbooks - > first probably understand meaning - > imitates said - > sound and meaning bined with the preliminary (second) listen to tapes - > really distinguish the sound difference - > the heart and clear the meaning - > pletely into the English world. (III) see text and pictures > speak correct English > gradually develop the habit of thinking in English > of mean response to natural to speak. (four) think of what you he just learned to say, naturally, when you are practicing, even if you are studying alone, it is as if someone is talking to you, and I believe that it will help you in your English. Is there a shortcut to learning English? Certainly not. Is there a way to learn English? Certainly there. Do anything there is sure to be the best way to learn English and certainly there are ways, if the right way, the inevitable duplication of efforts, but again good if there is no practical work as a foundation, then it can only be empty and useless. If you ask, is there a shortcut to learning English? I said no, so-called shortcut is effortless to reach the destination path, so far has not been heard of a shortcut to learning English to learn English by which people, if there is such a shortcut, then he the shortcut must he made a big fortune the. Practice has proved that there is no shortcut to learning English. Then there is a way to learn English? The answer is yes. Everyone in the learning process are aware of learning methods, there is a good way to learn people can easily learn the course, get good results, or make good results. Since there is a way to learn English, then there must be one of the best ways. Our goal is to find a good way to learn English well in the shortest time. Do not try to be successful, but if the right way is not successful. Method of learning never say to someone, a head into the ocean of knowledge, the results never the light of day. It's a waste of your energy. Why do we learn English for so many years in school, English or not to learn it? On the one hand, because of our effective study time is not enough, although every day has English class, but we he to use the effective use of each class?。

2. “我想怎么学好英语”翻译成英文,并且写成一篇作文

Some people think that if we want to learn English well we must learn English grammar well first of all. Others believe we can't learn English well unless we keep in mind as many English words and phrases as possible.

In my opinion, grammar rules, new words and phrases are very important, but they are not enough. Fox example, some of my clas *** ates are quite good at grammar and he learned by heart a lot of English words and phrases, yet they can't express themselves in English when they meet foreign friends.

The best way to learn English well, I think, is to learn and use English all the time. Don't be afraid of being laughed at. We'd better do a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing. If you can form the habit of thinking and writing in English all day, you are sure to grasp the spirit of English and will be able to read works in English within a short period of time.

Only in this way that I suggest, can we learn English well. So I think this is the best way.

3. 怎么写好英语作文我也不是学习成绩差的那种,但一写起英语作文

写作在英语学习中是培养和提高语言能力的有效手段,它有助于巩固和掌握所学词汇、语法等语言知识,有助于训练直接用所学语言进行思维,有利于提高驾驭语言的能力.中学生该如何写好英语作文呢?经过多年的教学实践,在英语写作方面我总结如下几点浅见: 一、增加词汇 英语写作要求有一定量的词汇,没有词汇就好比巧妇无米难以下厨.写作时可能出现要写的词记不起来、要用的词拿不准、尤其是遇到同义词、更不知用哪一个好、或词性没记住,结果乱用……. 这都说明平时对单词的记忆不够牢固,理解不清.这就要求我们在记单词的时候多花点力气,要从单词的音、形、义入手,最好不要单独记忆单词,这样容易遗忘,要把它放在句子或文章中一起记忆,这样可把握单词的词义、用法、搭配等词汇特点.除了课本上的词汇必须掌握外,还要进行广泛的课外阅读,来增加词汇. 二、掌握语法 英语中虽有很多句子与汉语相似或相同,但语法与汉语不尽相同,它有自己的基本句型固定搭配、固定短语等.要想写好作文,必须学好语法.英语中有五种基本句型结构,几乎所有的英语句型都是五种句型的扩大、延伸或变化,因此,应牢记这五种基本句型,并不断地练习运用. 1. S +V 2. S+V+O 3. S+V+O+O 4. S+V+P 5. S+V+O+C 这五种句型虽能表达一定的意思,但无法比较自由地表达思想,因此还需对学生进一步进行扩句训练,在课堂上充分发挥学生的想象力,进行扩句练习.其次,要加强句型教学,要对一些句子进行分析,增强他们利用各种句子进行一意多种表达的训练.再次,充分利用新教材中“巩固语言练习”对学生进行基本语感的训练. 三、背诵范文 古人说:“熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟”.背诵范文是中国人学习语言的传统方法,它不但可以加强记忆、积累语言材料,而且可以定型语式句式,语套模式和行文模式,将背诵用于英语学习更是见效.因为一种语言的具体句子和语篇是无限的,而其结构模式则是有限的.掌握一个结构模式或行文模式就意味着具有生成无数语气和语篇的能力.语言模式的作用类似于数学公式,非常重要.而经典的语言模式则存在于范文之中,所以要熟读背诵. 四、以说促写 说话是作文的先导,是作文的起步.俗话说:“只有出口成章,才能下笔成文”.在教学过程中,教师可有意识地让学生用词造句,由词生文练习.由易到难,循序渐进地让学生说. 可以把现实生活搬进课堂,模拟生活中的各种人物、情景,让学生在真情实感的角色扮演中 进行口语交际.让学生把生活中的人物通过语言、动作、心理活动表演出来,让学生自由发挥,畅所欲言.也可以通过演讲培养口头作文能力,并引导学生把“说”和“写”联系起来,这样说说写写,写写说说,不仅提高了口语表达能力,而且通过说话过程中对口头语言的叙述,提高了书面语言表达能力,使学生写作能做到中心明确,条理清楚. 五、勤于动笔 适当地进行写作练习是不可缺少的,如果光大谈写作,而从不去动笔写,是写不出好作文的,所谓的熟能生巧就是说的这一点.可以让学生用写日记的方法来提高自己的表达能力,也可以就不同的题材,自拟题目来写或者就某篇课文来扩写、缩写、改写等,这些都可以用来练练手笔.也可以要求学生随读、随学、随写,读有所得,学以致用. 六、写作步骤 1. 审题 在动笔之前,必须认真审题,分析命题意图.根据题目确定文章体裁,考虑文章内容,把与题目有关的材料分析,整理加以取舍.对属于同一类材料的拟出标题,作文审题在很大程度上关系到整篇文章的成败.有的考生唯恐时间不够,急于成文,不认真审题,结果写出的文章不是离题太远,与原命题大相径庭,就是抓不住重点,杂乱无章,缺乏逻辑性与关联. 2. 列题纲 审明了题义,了解了命题的意图,接下来就是列提纲.提纲有两种形式,即标题式和句式.标题式提纲就是用短语和词组列出文章的层次和段落以及各层次、各段落的大致顺序.这种提纲的特点是简洁、清楚.句式提纲是用完整的句子列出的提纲,这种提纲提供了更加详尽的轮廓.列提纲时,应防止两种形式的混用,句式提纲是句子,而标题式提纲是名词词组.列提纲时要尽量使用平行结构,编号要统一.有了提纲,文章在材料安排上才会层次分明,整体性强. 3. 起草稿 审明了题意,列出了提纲,下一步就是应该分段写作.每段应该只有一个中心,段落的结构要完整.自然段多以该段的主题句开头、中间展开说明和叙述,末句常是结论或内容的归纳.在推展主题目时,要充分利用学到的写句子、写段落的技巧,注意句与句、段与段的衔接和过渡.注意段落的完整性和连贯性.为了使文章紧凑,全文最好一气呵成. 4. 修改 修改是写好文章必不可少的一环.修改是指初稿完成后对文章从内容,形式到语言等进行加工提高,通过修改使文章达到主题明确,内容翔实、结构严谨,语法正确,无拼写和标点错误. 5. 校阅 修改后的文章要认真抄写一遍.誊写时要注意:标题写在第一行的中央,除介词,连词、冠词外,标题中每一个实词都应大写.标题除了疑问句或感叹句外,标题不加标点,即使是一个完整的句子,也不加句号;注意段落首缩进3-4个字母;书写要工整,规范,卷。

4. 写一篇我怎么学习英语的英语作文

How to learn English Well?


With the development of the society, China has stepped on the road of internationalizaion.And as all sides of reasons, English has bee the international language.Thus, there are more and more Chinese learn English as to catch up with the world.Chinese also realize this, so they require Chinese, especialy students, learn English.Then there is still a question that how to learn English well.

随着社会的发展,中国已经踏上了国际化的道路。由于方方面面的原因,英语也成为了国际语言。因此,越来越多的中国人为了与世界接轨而学习英语。而中国 *** 也意识到这一点,所以他们要求中国人学习英语,尤其是学生。问题是如何学好英语呢?

First of all, learning English well needs perseverance.Because learning English well is a long-term process.If we insist on leraning Eglish everyday, we will master it one day.If we just study it for a short time and then give up, we will gain nothing in the end.Therefore, we should stick to learn English erveryday in order to learn it well.


Secondly, learning English well needs us open our mouth.The aim to learn a language is to speak it.No one will admit you learn a langeuage well without speaking it out.Many Chinese students he learned is“dumb English”.That is a big problem.So, in order to learn English well, we should often talk with our friends, clas *** ates and teachers in English.


Thirdly, the best way to master a language is tobe personally on the scene.So I advice those people who he condition go abroad for a while.When they e back home, their oral English must he improved.


To sum up, learning English well is not easy.But we can take masures to make it done through perseverance, talking and going abroad.


5. 以《我怎么学好英语》为题写一篇英语作文

How do I learn English well

English is very important for us. Everyone wants to learn it well. My English is very good. How do I learn English?

First, I listen to the teacher and make notes carefully in class. I revise my old lessons and prepare my new lessons after class.

Second, I like speaking English withmy clas *** ates, not only in classroom, but also on the playground. It's to improve my spoken English.

Third, I keep a diary every day to practise my written English.

Besides this, I often read English newspapers or magazines in order to enrich my knowledge on English culture.






6. 以(我想在英语课上学习什么)为题的英语作文怎么写

Learning English takes time so if we want to learn it well, we should spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully. If we he time,we'd better isten to English radio programmes, read English stories and newspapers, watch English films and TV programmes ,keep a diary in English . If we make mistakes, correct them at once and try not to make the same mistakes. What's more, we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before class. I believe if we work hard and he good ways of learning English, we will learn English well. 怕你不清楚意思,我翻译了以下。




7. 我打算如何学好英语作文200字

When you are learning English,listening,speaking and writing are important,but reading can also be very helpful.When you read,you can't only learn some new words,but also you can learn how to use these English words.When you read,it gives you a good example for writing. 当你在学习英文时,听力、口语和写作固然是非常重要的,但是阅读也会相当有用。


Good reading tips(建议): 好的阅读建议: Try to read at the right level(水平).Read something that you can (more or less) understand.If you need to stop every three words to use a dictionary,it is not interesting. 尝试阅读和你水平相符的材料。读那些你能够理解的东西。

如果你每读几个单词都要用下字典的话,那就会很乏味了。 Try to increase the number of your new words.If there are four or five new words on a page.write them in your notebook.But you don't he to write them while you are reading. Instead.try to guess their meanings as you read,and mark them with a pen.Then e back when you he finished reading to look them up in a dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book.Then try to remember them. 试着增加你的词汇量。



Try to read regularly(定期).For example,read for a short time once a day.Fif minutes every day is better than o hours every Sunday.Fix(固定)a time to read and keep to it.For example,you could read for fif minutes when you go to bed,or when you get up or at lunchtime. 试着保持规律性的阅读。比如,每天都花上一点时间来阅读。


比方说,你可以在你临睡前读个十五分钟,或者在你起床或吃午餐的时间也可以。Read what interests you.Choose a book or a magazine about a subject that you like. Because you are going to spend time and money to read it,choose an interesting one.You can also read newspapers.There are many English newspapers in Chink For example,21st Century Teens.It is easy enough for you to understand.There is something interesting in it. 读你感兴趣的材料。




8. 怎么样写好作文



因此,我们学习英语时,一定要有信心,要有耐心,循序渐进地坚持学习下去,这样才会有收获。 第二,要想学好英语,就得先从听、说入手。

课上认真听老师讲,听同学们说,自己积极举手发言,大胆地去讲英语。 课下多听录音带,反复练习,尽量模仿正确的语音语调。








有的则可以用顺口溜、警句等来帮助记忆。 我好想学好英语能告诉我怎么学可以学的 去 e a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful hy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.翻译:每个人都有自己的梦想,我也一样。

