




6.帮忙把几个句子翻译成英语 初中水平





Peter watched a match last Friday.


Jack's brother ate fish twice last week.


Wang Xiaoming went to school at 7:15 this morning.

4.Jim 上个周四的下午打乒乓球。

Jim played table tennis last Thursday.


Zhou Bin played computer games last Saturday afternoon.




1,there are many ways to raise money.

2,among all the courses ,which one you do the best ?

3,he you played the game "treat or trick"?

4,thank you for inviting me to he lunch ?

5,the charity show activity gains support from many famous stars.

6,they are discussing how to design the poster.

7,he you decided where to go on holiday?

8,the price of the concert ticket is 300RMB per person,

9,as the examination has ended,we he lots of spare time.

10,we did the very impertant work at the end of late year.



I like English lessons because I like music and singsing.


I took part in the music club and made many friends;There are many musical groups in the club,we often practice singing together after school.Sometimes we sing in the school music festival.


I like musicians who write lyrics and compose music by themselves.


I like be quiet and I can't stand music that is too noisy.I like classical music.




1.毕竟她只有6岁.After all she was/is only six year old .

2.他提醒你可能有危险么?Did he remind you of danger?

3.如果你不告诉他真相,他会生气的.If you don't tell him the truth,he will be anger.

4.她睡着了,不过我可以把她叫醒.She is asleep, but i can wake her up.

5.他走进房间,脱下外套.He went into the room ,and took off the coat

6.她在作业方面花了太多时间How long did she spend in doing homework?

7.海南岛是中国第二大岛 Hainan island is the second largest island in China.

8.老板因他太懒而解雇了他.He is so lazy that boss fired him.

9.别担心,她会很好地照料你们的孩子.Don't worry ,she will take

good after of your chldren.

10.这位医生警告我戒酒. This doctor warned me of drinking.

11.我们已经把工作中的困难部分做完了.We he already finished the difficult part of the work.

12.我每天早晨收听无线电广播中的天气预报.I listen to radio-cast

weather forecast.

13.那位教师很生气对着珍妮大喊.The profeser shputed at Jeanne angerly.

14.为什么托尼的爸爸认为托尼会拒绝去上课呢?Why does Tony' father

think that Tony'll refuse to go to school?

15.这本书与那本书不同.This book is differet from that book.

16.我的电脑这段时间经常出故障My computer often went wrong these days.

17.昨天音乐会以一只美国歌曲为开始.The concert began with a piece of music.

18.我不敢把事情的真相告诉她.I dare not tell her the truth.

19.这地方以温泉而出名 This place is famous of the spring.

20.看起来天要下雨了It seems to rain.

21.不久消息传遍了整个城市.The news soon spread all over the city.

22.她是迟钝了点,但至少她是诚实的She is slow,but she is honest at least.

23.像往常一样,他很早就去上学了 He went to school early as usual

24.在这街的尽头有一间书店There is a bookshop at the end of the street.

25.他们同时到达终点They got to the destination at the same time

26.他对数学和科学很感兴趣He is intersted in math and technology

27.他们为儿子感到自豪并经常表扬他They are proud of their son and often praised him .

28.随便问一下,你看过"音乐之声"这部**吗By the way, did you watch the film music sound?

29.她母亲担心他,因为他生病了Her mother was worried about her,for she was ill

.30那位老太太双目失明,依靠女儿生活The old woman was blind,and she relied on her daughter.


1.我和Mary一样大:I am as old as Mary;2.我爷爷的的年龄是我的3倍:Mygrandpa's age is my three timesy;3.汽车比自行车跑得快:Cars run faster than the bicycle;4.他的书不如我的书有趣:His book as my book interesting;5.昨天我到学校和Tom一样早:Yesterday I arrive school and Tom as early;6.李伟在我们学校是最胖的:Li wei in our school is the most fat;7.上海是中国最美的城市之一:Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in China;8.我妈你妈妈年轻:My mother than your mother young;9.Tom,Mary和Paul谁走得快?:Who walks the fastest,Tom,Marry or Paul?;10.丽丽在这两个女孩中是比较高的一个:Lily in the two girls are relatively high;11.我每天花三个小时做作业(3种):I spent three hours to do homework (three);12.这张单子是这十个中最好的:This is a list of the ten best;13.在线等。不要用在线翻译 谢谢:Online, etc. Don't use online translation thank you;相信我,虽然我二级,但我是学英语到4级的,这些我都会,希望我的能被选为满意答案,谢谢!Believe me, although I level 2, but I learn English to 4 level, these I will, I hope I can be chosen as satisfactory answer, thank!


1.If a snake bites you,take a photo of the snake with your mobile phone.

2.A few days earlier,the snake came to the restaurant from Asia in a box of bananas.

3.I threw it across the kitchen,and it landed in the fridge.

4.Doctors coudn't say what was wrong because they didn't know what kind of snake it was.

5.When they knew the kind of snake,they could give Mr Jackson the right medicine ,and he left hospital the next day.

6.If the snake doesn't smile for its photo,don't worry!

7.climb out of

8.what kind of


PS 外研社那本书八年级下P28页的

帮忙把几个句子翻译成英语 初中水平


Where's my keys?Are they on the table?


Where's your books?Are they in the bag?


This is his baseball,not mine.


Their bags are not at my home,but at the school.


I don't know where his dictionary is.


Don't put the key into the drawer.


Take an umbrella with you.


You can eat these le,except the bananas.




The box is 5 kg hey.


I lived in Beijing 5 years ago.


We all believe that Jack is an honest boy.


His donnot know what to say.


The lees has turned yellow.


This report sounds interesting.

7.请你给我弄一本新的 好吗?

Can you give me a new book?


May I call a taxi for you?


The guard ask us to go away right now.


Tomorrow I will he someone to fix the machine.

11.从前 在海边的一个村子裏住着一位老渔夫

Long ago, there is a fisherman lived in the villege near the sea.


The bus is coming.


1、世界正在变得越来越小。The world is getting smaller and smaller,

2、你能开得更快点么? Can you driver faster?

3、学英语时,听和说一样重要。When learning English, listening and speaking are both important.

4、工作越努力,得到的结果越好。The harder you work, the better result you will get.

5、没有人比我更了解你。 No one knows you better than me.

6、在所有课程中,数学好像是最难的。In the all courses, it seems that math is the most difficult one.

7、 Internet is one of the greatest inventions in the last decades.

8、她是三姐妹中最小的,但是也是最聪明的一个。 She is the yougest one among three sisters, but the smartest one too.

9、世界各地的人都很喜欢这部新影片。 People around the world all llike this new movie.

10、那天他像往常一样很早来到了学校。He went to school early as usual.

11、如果不努力,你就会落后。 Work hard, or you will fall behind.

12、我为我们所做出的工作感到自豪。I feel proud of what we he done .

13、明天谁值日?Who is on duty today?

14、你最好不要一个人去,那里很危险。You'd better not go alone, because it's dangerous.

15、他起得很早是为了赶上第一班火车。(两种说法)In order to catch the early train, he gets up early. He gets up early to catch the first train,

16、他在回家的路上遇见了两个陌生人。He met two strangers on his way home.

17、遇见不熟悉的单词你应该查字典。 When you meet the unfamiliar words, You'd better look up in the dictionary.


There's no one in the classroom

No one is in the classroom

The classroom is empty

There's nobody in the classroom

Nobody is in the classroom

There isn't anybody in the classroom


May I ask you some questions?


I he something important to tell you

4.对我来说,学习讲英语很有趣。(It is+adj.句型)

It's interesting for me to study English


Everyone has the ability to invent something useful